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Sigmund Freud

    1               2                      
    3       4                              
6                                   7      
  9                       10                
            13         14                    
          16                           17    
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3 boys feelings for mother create conflicts + he tries to become like father (that he has towards) because he wants his mother
6 redirection of desires + impulses to an improper substitute rather than the actual object
8 the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group
9 ones pattern of thinking, feelling + acting that is individual to only themselves
11 daughters wish to posses father coupled with hostility towards mother
13 child adopts the characteristics of the same-sex parent and begins to associate themselves with and copy the behavior of significant others
15 attribution of one's desirable attitudes onto others eg. saying someone likes you because you really like them
16 protective methods used by the ego to reduce anxiety by distorting reality unconsciously
18 part of the mind that is not conscious but is retrievable into conscious awareness, according to Freud
1 the act of going back to an immature behaviour ( a safer stage in life )
2 the Freudian slip is an example of ______
4 Freuds theory of personality based on unconscious motives + conflicts affecting ones thoughts + actions
5 source of energy in human personality created by survival + sexual instincts
7 The founder of psychoanalytic theory that regards unconscious mind + psychosexual stages of development
10 According to Freud, the conscious part of the personality that balances the demands of the super ego + id
12 part of the mind that holds unaccceptable underlying thoughts, wishes and memories
14 The unconscious part of the personality that operates off of primitive behaviours + gratification, according to Freud.
17 according to Freud, the part of the personality that strives for moral perfection, consisting of ideas + standards developed as children.
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