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Skin Disorders Crossword Puzzle

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Skin Disorders

                                    1   2    
                              3         4    
              5   6                          
  12                     13           14        
                  15         16                
      18   19                                  
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3 Mass produced by uncontrolled growth of epithelial skin cells, caused by a papilloma virus. Most of these are noncancerous
4 Older people are more prone to skin cancer owing to longer total exposure
5 The bone is the “_______” of blood calcium level when it comes to calcium homeostasis.
7 What system undergoes an adjustment in blood flow by the skin’s chemical changes?
9 A superficial fungus infection of the skin of the foot
10 What is key to successful treatment to malignant melanoma?
11 Relaxation and _______ of the walls of blood vessels in smooth muscle tissue help adjust their diameter and regulate blood flow.
12 That same hormone from #14 does that function in what system?
15 Chemical changes in the skin produce widening and narrowing of skin _______ _______; this helps adjust blood flow to the skin.
20 rovide _________ ____, needed for muscle contraction.
1 Keratinocytes in the skin trigger vitamin D to convert into a hormone that helps with absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus. What hormone absorbs these molecules?
2 Excessive exposure to the sun, diagnosed annually in the United States (1 million cases)
6 Involves only the epidermis, characterized by mild pain and redness, but no blisters, skin functions remain intact
8 Individuals with lighter-colored skin who never tan but always burn are at high risk
13 Refers to a medication applied to the skin surface rather than ingested or injected
14 The skin contains _______ endings that supply input to the brain for a touch, pressure, and thermal, and pain sensations.
16 In order for the bone to proper absorb dietary calcium and phosphorus to build and maintain bones, the skin helps activate ________ __.
17 The Nervous system includes 12 pairs of cranial nerves and their branches, the spinal cord, 31 pairs of spinal nerves and their branches, sensory receptors, ganglia, enteric plexuses, and the ____
18 Inflammation of sebaceous glands that usually begins at puberty, when the sebaceous glands grow in size and increase their production of sebum
19 Tissue damage caused by excessive heat, electricity, radioactivity, or corrosive chemicals that denature the proteins in the skin cells
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