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Slavery and Resistance

S P I R I T U A L                                
      N Y C S L A V E R E V O L T                
              N Y C S L A V E C O N S P I R A C Y
  P R O T E S T                                  
              I                           S      
              C O D E D C O M M U N I C A T I O N
              S                           O      
      M I D D L E P A S S A G E           N      
              A                           O      
            R E S I S T A N C E                  
    I N S P I R A T I O N                        
              D E M O C R A T I C V A L U E S    
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1 Slave song, sometimes religious
3 Small scale revolt that resulted in strict slave laws
4 Series of fires that were blamed on slaves, although there is little evidence that slaves were at fault
5 Theme of slave spiritual characterized bydeclarations of anger, unfairness, and hypocrisy
7 Theme of slave spiritual that included hidden messages that helped slaves escape
8 Voyage across the Atlantic Ocean that brought slaves from Africa to the Americas
9 Consists of different methods that slaves used to fight back against the institution of slavery
10 Theme of slave spiritual that helped motivate slaves
11 Theme of slave spiritual that included themes of freedom and equality consistant with the American Revolution
2 Trade system between Europe, Africa, and the Americas that brought slaves to the 'New World'
6 South Carolina slave rebellion that grew in numbers as more slaves were recruited throughout the day
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