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Southern States - 1860 Crossword Puzzle

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Southern States - 1860

              2           3              
        13                             14  
              15                   16      
Across Down
2 Lee was torn between this and his home state of Virginia.
5 The southern population was made up of one third of these people.
9 The reason why the southerners thought they were fighting the war.
10 When defending themselves the Confederate forces used this for cover.
11 The south favored this over the central government. (Two words.)
12 Number of years the Civil War lasted.
13 Davis served as this under President Franklin Pierce. (Three words.)
15 Considered to be a stronger leader than Lincoln. (Two words.)
18 Confederate soldiers thought they had the advantage because they knew this better.
20 The Confederacy _____ was considered to be small and was only made up of about 9 million people.
21 Along with North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas this state was key in joining the Confederacy.
1 This man became the commander of the Confederate army after refusing Lincoln's offer to command the Union Army. (Three words.)
3 Lee graduated from here. (Two words.)
4 Davis served as an officer in this war.
6 Institution that the southerners wanted to keep.
7 South did not have enough people to serve as these because of their large slave population.
8 Davis did not like to tell details of this. (Two words.)
14 The south had few of these to move their troops and supplies and they did not always connect.
16 President Davis spent a lot of time arguing with them.
17 The south had very few factories to produce these.
19 President Davis was respected for this and for his courage.
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