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Stone Age

6                             7    
    12                           13  
            14         15     16      
Across Down
5 I study history.
6 a synonym for Paleolithic.
9 also known as hunter gatherers.
10 most likely about animals.
11 paleolithic people used tools to help them do tasks, which was known as their _______.
12 during this era cavemen hunted and drew on rocks.
14 the place where paleolithic people lived.
1 we move from place to place because we have no settled home.
2 paleolithic people went ______ all the time to find food.
3 paleolithic people used ______ to hunt for animals.
4 an object that is called _______ to learn about that time period.
5 we hunt for animals and gather nuts, grains, and berries.
7 something from long ago, very old.
8 known as all the years before 0.
13 if paleolithic people had a good diet, that means they were _________.
15 paleolithic people hunted and ate ___________.
16 an ______ hit the paleolithic people.
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