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Texas History

                    C       E          
                    A       V          
              J     B       E          
    C A P I T O L   I       N          
              I     N       U          
          M A N I F E S T D E S T I N Y
              T     T                  
              R           R            
              E N D O W M E N T F U N D
A R C H I V E S           D   A        
              O           B   R        
              L           A   I        
              U           C   F        
  A N N E X A T I O N     K   F        
      E X P E N D I T U R E            
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4 a building where a legislative body meets
5 fate that the US would expand its borders coast to coast
7 income derived from donations for a specific purpose
9 official government documents
10 to incorporate a country or territory into another
11 money paid out
1 money that a nation or state collects
2 heads of departments, group of advisors
3 statement passed by both houses that has the force of law
6 additional money issued during Lamar's presidency
8 tax on imported goods
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