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The Aftermath of WW1

        F A S C I S M                                          
            O                   A   A                          
          D U S T B O W L       D   P                          
            P                   O   P                          
            K                   L   E     S H A N T Y T O W N  
            I                   F   A       E                  
      G H E T T O       A       H   S   D I R E C T R E L I E F
            C           L       I   E       B                  
            H           L       T   M   H U E Y L O N G        
    W A G N E R A C T   I       L   E       R                  
            N           E       E   N       T                  
            S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y     H                  
                O                         B O U L D E R D A M  
            B E N I T O M U S S O L I N I   O                  
                C                           V                  
              F E D E R A L S E C U R I T I E S                
      H         N                           R                  
  B   O         T                         G                    
  O   L       F R A N K L I N R O O S E V E L T                
  N   O         A                         N   O                
  U   C         T                         O   T                
  S   A   D E F I C I T S P E N D I N G   C   A                
  A   U         O                         I   L                
K R I S T A L L N A C H T                 D   I                
  M   T         C                 B       E   T                
  Y         G L A S S S T E A G A L L       P A R I T Y        
                M                 I           R                
        J O S E P H S T A L I N   T           I                
                              E   Z           A                
                              W   K           N A Z I S M      
                              D   R                            
                              E   I                            
                              A   E                            
                              L   G                            
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1 This form of government stressed Nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of the individuals.
5 This natural catastrophe ruined many farmers crops in the midwest and forced them to migrate West in search for work.
6 Little towns consisting of shacks. When the Depression hit many were evicted from their homes and had to live here.
8 Segregated Jewish areas in certain Polish cities. The Nazi's sealed off the ghettos with barbed wire and stone walls.
10 Cash payments/ food provided by the government for the poor.
11 This man proposed a nationwide social program called share-our-wealth where he promised something for everyone.
12 This act protected the right of workers to join unions and engage in collective bargaining with employers.
13 This act is still present today and provides old age insurance, had an unemployment compensation system, and gave aid to families with dependent and disabled children.
15 One of President Hoover's many projects; provided electricity, flood control, and a regular water supply for many cities.
16 He established a totalitarian regime in Italy. He played on the fears of economic collapse and communism to create a fascist state.
17 This act required corporations to provide complete information on all stock offerings and made them liable for any misinterpretations.
21 This president was admired for his 'can-do' attitude.
23 This happens when more money is spent than the government recieves in revenue.
24 'Night of Broken Glass' Nazy storm troopers attack Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues all over Germany.
26 This act provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts of $5000 and required banks to be more cautious with customers money.
27 A price intended to keep farmers income steady.
28 This ruler turned Russia into an idustrial power and ruled by creating a communist state.
30 The German brand of fascism, it was based on extreme Nationalism.
2 These offered free/low-cost food and bread lines.
3 This man promised to bring Germany out of the chaos caused by the war. He ruled by using his loyal military and he was anti-communist.
4 By definition this word means giving up principles to pacify an aggressor.
7 This president felt the government could play a limited role in helping to solve problems.
9 The nations that fought against the Axis Powers. Included Great Britain, France, the United States, China, and the Soviet Union.
14 Labor camps. Families were often seperated, sometimes forever.
18 The systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe, more than half of whom were Jews.
19 WW1 veterans that demanded for their for their bonuses.
20 The deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population.
22 In this form of government individuals have no rights and the government suppresses all opposition.
25 Germany's newest military strategy; the lightning war, to take the enemy by surprise and then crush them.
29 This policy created by FDR had three goals: relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform.
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