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The Arabian Penninsula

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      6   7         8              
10   11                              
          12   13                    
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2 one of the two branches of Islam, containing about 83 percent of Muslims
9 one of the two branches of Islam including most Iranians and some populations of Iraq and Afghanistan
10 What was the grouped formed to regain land in Israel for Palestinian Arabs?
12 Who was the leader of Iraq when the September 11 attacks took place ?
14 Which city is the holiest city in Islam?
15 a region in Southwest Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which the location of some of the earliest civilizations
16 The _____________ Empire, a Muslim government based in Turkey.
17 a form of government in which religious leaders control the government
18 What is the holiest site in Jerusalem for Jews?
19 a movement that began in the 19th century to create and support a Jewish homeland in Palestine
20 an ethnic group in Southwest Asia that occupied Kurdistan, located in Turkey, Iraq and Iran
1 Who was the founder of the prophet of Islam?
3 a Muslim group in Afghanistan that imposes strict rules on society
4 What country became independent from Britain in 1960?
5 an Islamic place of worship, where Muslims pray facing toward the city of Mecca
6 What is the principal resource in the economy of the Arabian Penninsula?
7 The city of ___________ has Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sections.
8 monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad
11 a group established by oil producing nations to coordinate policies on selling petroleum products
13 What was the shrine in Jerusalem that was believed to be the place where Muhammad rose to heaven?
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