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The Assyrian Empire Crossword Puzzle

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The Assyrian Empire

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1 This king collected more than 20000 clay tablets from throughout the Fertile Cresent.
2 Southwest Asian people who helped to destroy the Assyrian Empire.
3 This Assyrian king bragged that he had destroyed 89 cities and 820 villages, burned Babylon, and ordered most of its inhabitants killed.
4 Nineveh held one of the ancient world's largest ________.
5 A Chaldean king which restored Babylon.
6 A southwest Asian kingdom that controlled a large empire from about 850 to 612 B.C.
7 Assyria was a society that glorified in ________ strength.
8 After defeating the Assyrians, these people made Babylon their capital.
9 Assyria's capital located along the Tigris River.
1 The _______ ____ _______ included a variety of weapons and methods of attack.
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