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The Aztecs Crossword Puzzle

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The Aztecs

1               2                      
                4                     5
                7 8                    
          12                       13   14
                16     17                
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1 What is the passing of cultural knowledge
4 A period of history
7 A physical area with specific traits
9 Something that is half moving and the other half is still
10 Raised land that is mostly flat
11 Something that takes physical form
12 A counrty should maintain a strong military force
15 What did they make their weapons out of
16 What did Americans call the time period before Columbus arrived
2 Motivation
3 Troops that are assigned to a certain post
5 A city-state
6 Money and Goods
8 A leader who is in charge of Spain
13 All efforts to change or to prevent it from happening
14 Is something that is salty
17 An ancient manuscript
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