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The Civil War

Answer the clues and fill in the blanks with the corresponding numbers.

                  B A T T L E O F G E T T Y S B U R G    
        B A T T L E O F B U L L R U N                    
                    A                                 A  
                    T H I R T E E N T H A M E N D M E N T
                    T                                 A  
        B A T T L E O F S H I L O H                   C  
                    X                                 O  
      T H M A S S A C H U S E T T S                   N  
                    O                                 D  
                  F U G I T I V E S L A V E A C T     A  
                    R                                 P  
              F I F T E E N T H A M E N D M E N T     L  
                    H                                 A  
        U N C L E T O M S C A B I N                   N  
                    S I E G E O F V I C K S B U R G      
B O R D E R S T A T E                                    
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1 The turning point battle of the civil war where the South lost its chance to invade the North
3 The first battle fought in the civil war
5 The amendment that abolished slavery in the U.S.
6 A civil war battle where the confederate forces surprised Union troops and drove them across the Tennessee River
7 The first African-American regiments to fight for the Union in the civil war
8 A law that provided harsh treatment for escaped slaves and those who helped them
9 Gave African-American men the right to vote
10 An antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
11 A Union victory that gave them control of the entire Mississippi River
12 A state that didn't secede but was between a slave state and a free state
2 Ended the war, where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant
4 To 'Choke' the South out of its resources through blockades
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