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The Holocaust

                            1     2        
                      3         4          
            5                   6          
      7           8                        
9                                     10    
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4 German for 'Jews'
6 the section of a city where Jews were forced to live
8 furnaces where bodies were burned
9 opening of camps by the allies and freeing of prisoners
11 camps that were the Nazis centers of murder and extermination
12 place where victims of the holocaust were killed with poisonous gas
13 prejudice, discrimination against Jews
14 Nazi term for annihilation of the Jews
16 forced removal of Jews in Nazi-occupied lands to concentration camps
17 leader of the Nazi Party
19 a Jewish symbol that Nazis forced the Jews to wear to make them visible
1 extremely thin fro starvation or sickness
2 the largest of the Nazi death camps
3 someone who leaves their land because of expulsion, invasion, oppression, or persecution
5 symbol to represent Nazis
7 the first Nazi camp where gassing was used to exterminate Jews
8 camps in which political prisoners are imprisoned and are to provide forced labor
10 considered an inferior race to the Nazis and targeted for extermination during the Holocaust
15 secret Nazi police who organized the arrest and deportation of jews
18 the Nazi-driven of Jews and murder of others during World War II
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