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The Romantic Period Crossword Puzzle

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The Romantic Period


8     9                         10  
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4 Is the hope for humanity and the man who freed the minds of mankind.
5 Had many scandalous love affairs' with both sexes.
6 Who's poem turned into the New Year's Eve song?
7 This story was based on Lord Byron and was written by his physician Polidori.
8 Frame narratives are stories that take place inside a story. What was the fame story for the Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
11 Who's poem helped inspire Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?
12 What was the democratic community that Coleridge tried to establish?
1 What book did Wordsworth and Coleridge write together?
2 The man interested in the human soul and who's art illuminated his poems.
3 The author of the Vindication of the Rights of Women.
9 What was the poem that Lord Byron never finished and that talked about his love affairs?
10 Wollstonecraft named her first child after her dead friend. What was her name?
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