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The Southern Colonies Crossword Puzzle

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The Southern Colonies


                                          3   4  
                        10         11              
    13                             14              
15       16           17                            
Across Down
6 Land was given to this peron by King Charles 1
7 An ideal place for agriculture.
8 The first law in America that said all christians were free to worship in their own ways.
9 Land back of the fall line.
12 The official church of Virginia in 1632.
13 The state of being strikingly different from something else.
14 Lack of religious toleration.
15 An excellent source of transportation
1 The first successful English colony.
2 A cash crop that made a large profit for the colonies.
3 1.An estate on which crops such as coffee, sugar, and tobacco are cultivated by resident labor.
4 A person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.
5 The first elected legislature in 1619.
10 A Safe refuge for Catholics
11 One who has legal title to something; an owner.
16 A person or institution that owes a sum of money.
17 a system where people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work.
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