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The Space Race

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                  9                                 10
  15                       16     17                    
            21     22                                  
                23                     24              
          25           26                              
Across Down
3 Russian for ¨Traveler¨
6 First animals to ever orbit the moon
9 The first joint US-Soviet joint mission
12 The only American astronaut to have flown in space on the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs
14 Third man to walk on the moon
15 Meaning of astronauts (American space pilots)
17 Which space project ran from 1959 to 1963 and cost a total of $1.5 billion
19 First American to walk in space
20 Rocket scientist who directed the designing of the satellite Explorer 1
22 The first man to walk on the moon
23 program that developed technology for use on the Apollo spacecraft
25 first American in space
1 animal that crafts were tested with
2 spacecraft that was launched into space on July 16th, 1969.
4 what does the word Gemini mean in Latin?
5 first person to orbit the Earth
7 Meaning of Cosmonauts (Russian space pilots)
8 1966 American Spaceflight almost ended in disaster when the spacecraft tumbled out of control
10 What craft landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.
11 Who's space program launched the Luna 2
13 the space race was a competition between the USA and?
16 How many days did it take the Apollo II crew to get to the moon?
18 Which president went to congress and stated that America would be the to put a man on the moon
21 First American to orbit Earth (1962)
24 On the 27th of January, the crew of this spacecraft died during a training exercise.
26 president who signed a public order creating NASA
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