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The Tragedy OF Julius Caesar Crossword Puzzle

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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

                      1   2   3   4            
                  5                   6        
          18                         19          
                20       21     22                
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7 Rival of Shakespeare who insulted him and warned other playwrights about the upstart.
8 Number of years it took after Shakespeare's death for his plays to be published.
9 This type of stage is seperated from the audience by velvet curtains and realistic settings.
11 This person built Shakespeare's first theatre outside of London.
13 Shakespeare was born in this market town located 100mi northwest of London.
14 Written in 1599; it is the first play written in the Globe Theatre.
15 Wife of Shakespeare who was left the second best bed.
16 Duplicates the natural rhythm of English speech and is unrhymed iambic pentameter.
18 Shakespeare joined the theatrical group called Lord Chamberlain's Men that became ___'s Men in 1603.
19 Shakespeare's favorite authur: wrote Greek and Roman myths.
20 Shakespeare's plays were performed in what type of contemporary costume?
23 The theatre where Shakespeare write his greatest plays; burned down after a scene of Henry VII
24 This is when no other character is on stage except for the one disclosing their innermost thoughts
1 London theatres were closed down for long periods of time because of this.
2 The only son of Shakespeare that died at age 11
3 A Greek writer adn biographer that lived around the time of Julius Caesar.
4 In 1660 King _____ II allowed woman to play in profession theatre after returning to the throne.
5 The volume of all Shakespeare's plays.
6 Last play written by Shakespeare
7 This person performed most of Shakespeare's tragic parts.
10 Instead of speaking in blacnk verse, most commoners speak in this.
12 Shakepeare learned this language in school.
17 Most of these type of poems written by Shakespeare were dedicated for a man.
21 This is when a person discloses their innermost thoughts when others are on stage
22 Masterpieces of this type of genre of Shakespearian plays include Othello, King Lear, and MacBeth.
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