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The War OF 1812 Crossword Puzzle

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The War of 1812

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            7               8          
          10             11              
            16   17       18   19          
Across Down
1 The object that still stood after the battle of Fort McHenry.
6 The country the war hawks wanted to take over from England.
8 The other country who England was at war.
9 To take soldiers by force, and draft.
10 President during the War of 1812.
13 Famous building in DC that was burned by the British.
15 The man on the portiat that Mrs. Madison took when the capital was burned.
16 The battle after the Treaty of Ghent was signed.
20 Last name of the man who won the naval battle of Lake Erie
2 Name of Oliver Hazard Perry's ship.
3 What naval people who were impressed.
4 Last name of the governor of Indiana.
5 Who was the british allies with.
7 This treaty ended the War of 1812.
11 The capital the British burned down.
12 The last name of the poet/lawyer who wrote the 'Star Spangled Banner'
14 15 year old Shawnee warrior who was against the white captives.
17 A group or person who was for the war.
18 The act that stopped all foriegn trade.
19 The leader of France, who lost.
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