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TO BE A Slave Crossword Puzzle

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To be a Slave

            2                   3              
13                               14              
              15     16   17                      
Across Down
2 not being owned by anybody: doing as you please
3 the place where slaves lived near plantation
4 slaves were taught to believe that they were doing it all for their masters
5 after being free, slaves received jobs from ex-masters and did this
6 the place where slaves were sold
7 white and blacks being separated
8 slave that lived in the plantation house
9 to be owned by another person
10 a proclamation declaring slaves fee
11 where most of the slaves were until 1863
12 slaves rising up against their masters
13 the way a slave was punished
15 the people that owned slaves
18 slaves collected 200 lbs of cotton and then had to do this
1 place where the master lived
2 slave that did all the work in the fields
6 President that voted in freeing slaves
7 people that sold slaves to others or on an auction block
14 what slaves were made to be
16 slave breeding state
17 a person that was hired to watch over slaves
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