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U.s. Naval History Crossword Puzzle

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U.S. Naval History

Match the hint with the word to complete the crossword puzzle

          8                 9         10
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2 The turning point of the war in the Pacific came at?
3 First nuclear powered carrier
4 The first true submarine attack was between the USS Housatonic and
5 Who said 'I have not yet began to fight'?
6 This ship began Ironclad Era
7 Navy's first Admiral, gave the famous order 'Damn the Torpedos, full speed'?
8 Nicknamed 'Old Ironsides'
11 First nuclear powered submarine
1 The first Naval Vessel to fly 'flag of freedom'
2 This battle was fought entirely through aircraft, the opposing fleets never saw each other?
9 The first warfare submarine
10 The largest amphibious operation in history?
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