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U.S History

            12   13     14                                  
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1 Threatening to use nuclear weapons if a communist state tried to seize territory by force
2 House Un American Activities Committee formed to investigate both communist and fascist activities in the U.S
3 Soviets first artificial satellite to orbit the earth
5 The willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down.
6 European recovery program that gave european nations money to rebuild their economics
7 New York couple accused of being members of the communist party that were condemned to death
8 Nuetral Defense alliance that said if one country was attacked then all the countries in alliance with it would help them
9 Keeping communism within its present territory through the use of diplomatic,economic,and military actions.
10 Era of hostilities between the united states and soviet union
11 Strong division in Europe where the communist nations of eastern europe were separated from the West.
12 U.S planes that dropped supplies in berlin to help the citizens survive the berlin blockade
1 Damaging reputations with vague and unfounded charges
4 Money given to countries by the U.S to help fight against communism such as in Greece and Turkey
13 The fear of communism taking over the U.S government
14 Organization to coordinate research in rocket science and space exploration
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