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Underground Railroad

                                1   2              
4                                       5          
6             7                                    
            17                             18        
      19           20         21                      
              22         23       24   25              
Across Down
6 When escaped slaves found it they knew they escaped slavery.
8 boundary line considered to be the border between the north and the south states
10 Escaped slaves that went north to be were slaves dint exist.
11 Uncomfortable living spaces for slaves.
13 The bill passed law in 1850.
14 Worked from dawn to dusk for masters.
15 type of religious songs developed mostly by southern slave
16 to approve or make valid
17 29 year old slave that escaped.
18 to challeng authority
19 shell used as a drinking vessel
22 Common in the south owners bought and sold slaves.
1 change or addition to a document
2 a large farm which usually specializes in growing one specific crop
3 a system of things that are connected to each other
4 long deep cut
5 means of transporting an object
7 Barn floor boards led to a secret cellar.
9 freedom
10 person fleeing from the law
12 Invented cotton gin in 1793 worked like 50 slaves in a day.
20 Slavery began in Virginia the first permanent British colony.
21 sale where items are sold from a person to another
23 to put an end to
24 concept a person might have about a way of life that may different from reality
25 A slave and preacher who led fellow slaves in rebellion in Virginia 1831.
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