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Vietnam War

                  10                                       11
                                  15     16                  
              17           18   19                         20  
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2 supply route that carried troops and supplies from North Vietnam to South Vietnam
3 diverse strands of the counterculture come together
4 north Vietnam agreed to begin formal negotiations with the U.S in Paris
5 President Nixon's policy of replacing American military forces with those of South Vietnam
7 group of young Americans in the 1960s who rejected conventional customs
9 Killing of several hundred vietnamese by American soldiers in 1968
10 Americans introduced these into North Vietnam
12 government study if U.S involvement in the Vietnam War, made public in 1971
13 few people refused to be drafted in the first half of the 1960s
14 1968 attack by viet cong and North Vietnamese forces throughout South Vietnam
17 1964 congressional resolution authorizing President Johnson to take military action in Vietnam
1 memorial made in honor of those who died in the war
6 President Nixon order secret bombing in this country
8 expansion of the war
11 this was very popular among the young people of this generation during the war
15 a force of communist guerrillas in South Vietnam who with North support fought against the south
16 official postponement of their call to serve
18 antiwar activists used new methods to protest the war
19 new political movement of the late 1960s that called for radical changes to fight against poverty and racism
20 high flammable chemical used in firebombing attacks, dropped from U.S planes during Vietnam War to burn away vegetation
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