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Voices From The Disaster Crossword Puzzle

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Voices From the Disaster

                                  2   3           4        
      6         7                                          
                17                     18                    
Across Down
6 39 years old, was a shipbuilder and in charge of designing to the Titanic
8 Amatuer military historian writer, First class passanger, Wealthy New York family
9 a crash; conflict
10 The author of 'Voices from the Disaster'
11 There wasn't enough of these
13 He was the captain of the Titanic and had been with the company since 1880
14 The ship to pick up the Titanic's survivors after it sank
15 24 years old, became a stewardess, worked on the Olympic and Titanic
16 the date the Titanic sank
17 The ship to watch the sinking of the Titanic
19 momentos
20 Broke the first news to the people
1 Irish,15 year later he became a teacher and prepared to become a priest like his uncle
2 Urgent
3 The ship that sunk on her maiden voyage
4 The Titanic hit this
5 Managing Director at age 41, he was on board when the Titanic sailed
7 Nicknamed 'Lights', British seaman, worked with White Star for 12 years
12 to die or be destroyed
18 a system of video cameras that enabled researchers to view underwater
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