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Volcanoes Crossword Puzzle

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                14       15   16     17            
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6 A large steep volcano built up of alternating layers of lava and ash or cinders
7 Generates on convergent plates where the oceanic lithosphere is subducting
8 A dense, destructive mass of very hot ash, lava fragments and gasses ejected explosively from a volcano and typically flowing down slopeat a great speed
9 A column of solidfied lava of igneous rock formd in a volcanic vent especially exposed by erosion
10 Broad domed volcano with gently sloping sides characteristic of the eruption of fluid basaltic rock
12 A dark, fine-grained igneous rock consisting mostly of plagioclase flaspar and pyroxeny and sometimes olvine
14 Convergent plate boundary where the oceanic lithosphere is suducting
18 A aispersion in air of molecules of water especially as produced by evaporation at ambient temp rather than by boiling
19 Powdery residue left after the burning of a substance
20 A tabular body of intrusive rock ordinarily between beds of sedimentary rocks or layers of volcanic ejecta
21 Open at earth's surface from which volcanic material is emitted
1 A vents in the earths crust through which lava stream ashes etc. are expelled either continuously or at irregular intervals I got it
2 A cauldron-like volcanic fesuture usually formed by the collapse of land following a volcanic eruption
3 An area hotter than the surrounding surface as on the shell of a furnace
4 A bowl shaped depression with a raised rim
5 A long narrow cross cutting mass of igneous rock intruded into a fissure older rock
6 A steep, conial hill consisting of glassy volcanic vent
11 The molten fluid rock that issue from a volcano or volcanic rock
13 A large body of intrusive igneous rock believed to have crystallize at a considerable depth below the earths surface
15 The form of silicon, occuring especially escorts sand Flint and I p
16 Clastic volcanic material as scoria, dust etc. ejected during an eruption
17 A reservoir of magma in the earth's crust where the magma may reside temporarily on its way from the upper mantle to the earths surface
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