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Wars in History

              1         2                    
          3                   4              
        5   6                                
            10                 11              
      12                       13              
  17                         18                
19                   20                        
Across Down
5 'lightening war'
7 Policy to keep the Soviets from gaining control of other countries
8 Policy of allowing fascist countries to take over other countries by giving into demands in the hopes of avoiding a bigger conflict
9 When a country aligns with another country against a 3rd country
10 The area in between the opposing sides of the trenches during WWI
13 The country that is the center of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic religions. Was set up for the Jews after WWII
14 Rebuilding of the Soviet Union's economic and political systems. This included a new Legislative body, free elections, and caused many Communist to be voted out of office
15 The policy to relax tensions between the communists and the free world
16 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
17 The crossroads of three religions it is the capital city of Israel and is considered Holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims
18 All property and all means of production belong to the people as a group
19 Political ideas that stress strong government control, military strength, and intense nationalism
20 Great Britain, United States and Russia's alliance during WWII
1 The name now used for the mass killing of Jewish people
2 A territory located inside Israel that claimed itself independent in 1988, but is not officially recognized as a country by some other nations to include Israel and the United States
3 Franklin D. Roosevelt's plan for getting the United States out of the Great Depression
4 Part of Gorbachev's 'Moral Revolution' Glastnost or openness gave Soviet Citizens freedoms of Speech and Religion
6 America's policy of noninvolvement in European wars and avoidance of 'entangling alliances.'
11 A ruler with absolute authority. Hitler and Mussolini in WWII
12 Rule by the people
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