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World Literature

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Across Down
3 cause to vanish
5 devotion
6 quality envoking sorrow or compassion
9 water moving in circles against main current
10 likeness or initation that is so distorted or inferior as to seem ridiculous
12 hinting at bad things
13 acts of obtaining money through vilolence
16 spellbound
17 stop up or dams up
18 develish
19 in a manner that shows too great a willingness to serve
20 quality or stare of being exempt from death
22 strengthen
26 great generosity
27 disrespect towards God or religion
28 great number of things or people
29 exterminate; destroy or remove completely
30 righteous anger or scorn
32 isolatedand unfriendly
33 lurks in a cowerdly way
35 come to as an advantage or a right
37 sorrow for wrong doing
40 proved or revealed
42 scamper
43 shy
45 sly tricks
46 foul; odorous
1 weakness
2 moterated
4 magical potion that cures all ailments
6 unspoiled; uncorrupted
7 in a determinded way
8 upside down
11 declerations or claims
14 scoundrel
15 indirect remark or gesture that hints at something bad
18 serving to mark as seperate or different
21 away
23 called on for help
24 turn
25 cerimonial splendor
27 charitable
28 intending harm
31 ordered solemnly
34 feelings of doubt over what is ethical
36 late
38 able to be touched
39 spreads throughout
41 not given to talking
44 probe the depths of; understand
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