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World War I

                    1       2                            
                                  3   4                  
                  8   9                                  
                    13                                   14
                    18                           19   20    
                      24                         25        
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8 international organization, formed after World War I, that aimed to promote security and peace for al members
10 1917 law authorizing a draft of young men for military service
12 in World War I, Germany and Austria-Hungary
13 power to make decisions about one;s own future
15 system of pricing determines by the government
16 pledge by the German government in 1916 that its submarines would warn ships before attacking
17 turning clocks ahead one hour for the summer
18 1917 note by a German diplomat proposing an alliance with Mexico
21 the reading of troops for war
22 collapse of the Czar's government in Russia in 1917, leading ultimately to the Bolshevik takeover
23 group of armed and unarmed ships deployed to protect merchant shipping from shipping
24 President Wilson's proposal in 1918 for a postwar European peace
26 special war bonds sold to support the allied cause during World War I
1 cease-fire of truce
2 citizen who takes the law into his or her own hands
3 speech or actions that encourage rebellion
4 ruler with nlimited power
5 tactic in which senetors take the floor, begin talking, and refuse to stop talking to permit a vote on a measure
6 in World War I, Russia, France, Great Britain, and later the United States
7 payment from an enemy for economic injust suffered during a war
9 Name given to American troops in Europe in World War I
11 delibrate murder of an entire people
14 situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to gain the advantage
19 a German submarine
20 disturbing goods to consumers in a fixed amount
21 policy of aggresively building up a nation's armed forces in preparation for war
25 rewards gained through military victory
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