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World War I Crossword Puzzle

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World War I

                                      3   4      
          5   6                                  
            10                             11   12  
    15   16                                        
            17                         18          
            19           20                        
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5 a strike that involved all workers in a community
7 in January 1919, delegates from 27 countries went to a peace conference in France resulting in this
8 to conserve food, families grow their own vegetable
9 required all men between 21 and 30 to register for draft
10 coordinated the production of war materials
13 Germany could sink no more merchant ships without warning
14 goods prohibited from shipment
15 said if mexico joined Germany they would regain their 'lost territory'
17 cost of food, clothing, shelter, and other essentials needed to survive
19 heir to Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated with his wife by Gavrilo Princip
1 information designed to influence opinion
2 monetary compensation for all of the war damage Germany had caused
3 space between opposing trenches
4 a feeling on intense pride in one's homeland
6 established to prevent strikes from disrupting war effort
11 a truce, agreement to stop fighting
12 to expel individuals from the country
16 the aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations
18 panic that communists would seize power in 1919
20 spying
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