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World War II

Use your textbook, study guide and goal sheet to complete the puzzle.

                            2           3              
                4                     5                
                    6                   7              
                    8 9                                
  13                 14                                  
        16                   17     18                    
                    22         23   24                    
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4 The Japanese warror code that to surrender was dishonorable.
5 First African American pilots trained by the military dubbed the ____________ Experience.
6 This death march followed when Filipino and American soldiers were forced to surrender to Japan and let the Philippines fall.
7 Riots sparked between Mexican American youths in LA and the sailors and military stationed there.
8 With twenty million deaths, half of them civilian, this country suffered the most casualties during WWII.
10 The Allies had the advantage of the Soviet's large army and the ____________ capacity of the U.S.
11 Germany's attempt to capture this Soviet city ended with the death of 90% of the German force from battle wounds, starvation, freezing or dying as POW.
13 These code talkers contributed to the success in the Pacific by sending and decoding military messages in record time.
14 The operation devised to trick the Germans into thinking the D-Day invasion by the Allies would be Calis, a city father north than Normandy.
16 Economic condition resulting when incomes remain high but their are few consumer goods available to buy.
19 During this conference, Stalin agreed to declare war against Japan within 3 months of Germany's defeat.
20 The reason Allies wanted to gain control of certain islands in the Pacific was to either build or take over these.
21 This battle was the last major offensive by the Germans and ended in their retreat.
22 Agreement between Mexico and the U.S. to have Mexican workers come to the U.S. to work in agriculture and on the RR.
25 Unemployment in the U.S. dropped from fourteen % to less than __________% during WWII.
1 This was a secret project undertaken by the U.S. to develop an atomic bomb before Germany could.
2 The first sea battle fougt by air planes launched from carriers.
3 In addition to oil fields, why was it critical to stop the Axis advance to Egypt?
9 The code name for the Allies plan to liberate France and the rest of Europe.
12 Japanese suicide pilots.
15 The alliance formed by the U.S., Britain, France, Soviet Union and China.
17 The desctruction of this air base following the attack on Pearl Harbor left the troops defending the Philippines without air or sea support.
18 The alliance formed by Germany, Italy and Japan.
23 Refers to the limited amounts Americans could purchase of such goods as coffee, meat, and gas.
24 Coupled with traveling in convoys, responsible for helping the Allies win the Battle of the Atlantic.
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