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Hard Crosswords

These crosswords are intended to be pretty hard to complete. They are made up of more than 20 words of any size. To view or print a hard crossword puzzle click on its title.

Title Subject Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints
Darcy's Wild Life Television When Ross and Chandler can't fit the couch up the stairs, they yell: . We all meet at her house for secret santa.. You two were friends since grade school. . PAPER! SNOW! A _______!. The name of my first road trippin' car. .
Dark They Were and Golden-Eyed Literature and Writing The story is told from __________ person limited point of view. “The children, small seeds may be sown into the mountains forever.”. An object that represents an idea. not sturdy. A change in a person’s environment can lead to a change in their identity.
Dartmoor World Geography Partly decomposed vegetable matter found on Dartmoor.(4). The ……………….. on Dartmoor is different throughout the year.(7). Dartmoor has plenty of ………. which is made up of different fauna and flora. (8). A place where people dig for materials from the ground. (4). Area of wet, muddy ground.(3).
Dartmoor World Geography a spiked wild fern plant. myths of grandeur. guarded area. how animals in a place interact with the countryside. the indigenous animals.
Data Sets Technology a graphical display where data is grouped in ranges and displayed as bars.. the values that divide a list of numbers into quarters. the sum of the data divided by the number of data (average). a graph that looks like a rectangular box with lines extending from each end. the difference between the hightest and lowest values in a set of data..
Day of the Dead vs. Halloween Holidays and Seasons continuation of ?. what month is Day of the Dead celebrated. what are jack-o-lanterns made of. ? of life. icon for Day of the Dead.
Dear Dumb Diary Books angelina babysits him alot. stinkers wife. they serve this for lunch every thursday. a way to earn money. when your lips touches somebody elses lips for more that a second`.
Death and Resurrection of Jesus Bible What part of the soldier did Peter cut with his sword?. Jesus was crucified at the place of the --------. What was the meal Jesus had with his friends before he died called?. Who did the High Priest ask Jesus who he was?. What did the soldier say that Jesus was when Jesus died?.
Declaration of Independence Government and Politics an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.. having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical.. an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force.. close relationship or connection.. honest; impartial..
Declaration Of Independence History The certain unalienable rights which include______, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Roger Sherman was from ____________.. A document having a strong statement about freedom from another countries control.. Freedom. Last name of the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence.
Decline of the Qing Dynasty History no spaces between 2 word answers corruption, incompetence & peasant unrest were this type of problem for the last dynasty. this rebellion took place in response to the growing foreign presence in China & threat to traditional Chinese culture. Japan received this island nation from the first Sino-Japanese War. empress who imprisoned her nephew, the emperor for trying to make too radical of changes in China. City that became the capital of the rebel forces during the Chinese civil war.
Defense System Body produces hormones that aid in maturation of white blood cells. act as filters to trap bacteria. tough protein that forms waterproof cover for skin. large cells that eat pathogens and damaged cells. these T cells produce memory T cells.
Delights in Obedience Religion God's instruction to Saul concerning the Amalekites. You make these when you chose not to obey instructions. Samuel heard sheep make this sound. First king of Israel. Samuel could not find Saul because he had gone to this place.
Delivery Systems Technology Used to set text alerts, set limits and shut-off cards. 3rd Party vendor that takes loan payments over the phone and after hour calls for the Info Center. Automated phone system for members to access account information. Can be International and Domestic. Responds to member emails and live chat.
Dementia Health It is concerned with auditory stimuli. This is an umberalla term used to describe a set of conditions. This can happen later on an evening to someone with dementia. A symptom that can show signs of dementia. This will help a person with dementia be understood.
Democratic Party Government and Politics Democrats support the right to choose to have this, even if the mother cannot pay.. Largely credited with writing the Constitution.. Used the Indian removal act of 1830.. Jackson is known for representing this.. At one time was the president of Princeton University..
Demon in the Freezer Books Nathan Janes flowing or running together; blending into one. a member of an order of monks founded at Monte Cassino by St. Benedict about a.d. 530.. moving or directed outward from the center. to divide or fork into two branches. the infectious form of a virus as it exists outside the host cell.
Denimology Other Denim terms The color and texture produced by the finishing process of washing the jean.. Buttons and rivets that show on the jean.. Describes a studded, painted or special detailing like added sequins or embroidery.. A chemical used to create permanent wrinkles and creases on denim giving it a natural, vintage look.. The usual four pockets (2 front, 2 back) plus a coin pocket inside of the front right pocket..
Dental Anatomy Body Complete Crossword Puzzle Third stage of tooth development with dental lamina growing into cap shape . The lingual surfaces on all anterior teeth have a BLANK, which is a raised, rounded area on the cervical third of the lingual surface . Cusp ridges that descend from the cusp tips toward the central part of the occlusal table . Mandibular plate (s) that extend upward and backward from the body on each side . A shallow, wide depression on the lingual surface of the anterior teeth or the occlusal table of the posterior teeth .
Dental Radiology Business and Work Dental radiology % of pathology that cannot be seen without radiographs. acronym for radiation exposure level safety. radiographs are part of this. describes dental radiology machines. angle technique to minimize distortion of radiographs.
Dental Terminology Health Infection Control issues and enforced guidelines for infection control. type of immunity obtained from vaccinations. bacteria that require oxygen to live. symptoms observed by someone other than the patient. bacteria that do NOT need oxygen for survival.
Deserts World Geography what water does when it dries and disappears. the cutting down of trees. an increased risk of this happens when water is dried up. united states - tenth largest desert in the world. where the aral sea was.
Desserts Around the World Food the hot chocolate drink enjoyed during cold weather. a rich chocolate icing made from dark chocolate and heavy cream. a popular American chocolate spread that can be eaten on bread, cookies, and fruit. a Spanish baked sweet egg custard. a Spanish fried fritter rolled in sugar and cinnamon.
Developing Countries World Geography The second stage of economic development.. Not repaying borrowed money.. The taking over of foreign property without some sort of payment in return.. The average remaining lifetime in years for persons who reach a certain age.. An agreement in which two or more countries reduce trade barriers and tariffs among themselves. .
Devil's Bridge Books answer the questions based on book what nick name did Ben give Barry?. what boat did Freddy work on?. what type of fish was Ben fishing for?. what type of fish snapped Ben's line?. Ben's best friend .
Diabetes Health oral anti-diabetic that inhibits production of glucose by the liver. microvascular damage to the eye. This type of diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by deficiency of insulin production and increased insulin resistance. a macrovascular complication of diabetes. elevated blood glucose.
Diabetes: Type 1 Health A type of way to inject Insulin into yourself . The organ that makes Insulin, needed to convert glucose to energy. An experimental way to cure Diabetes. A sugar foun din the blood that is the bodys main energy source. When your Blood sugar level is to low.
Diabetics Health a health care professional who advises people about meal planning, weight control and diabetes management.. unit representing the energy provided by food. a condition in which the number of red blood cells is less than normal . an extra amount of insulin taken to cover an expected rise in blood glucose . causing diabetes.
Diary of a Worm Books - Childrens Literature the planet that we live on. a book for writing daily events or feelings. to be unable to move. path next to a road or street just for walking. a lot of.
Diary of a Worm 2 Entertainment the branch of police that protects the President. to be in danger or have difficulty, due for punishment. to bite and work food in the mouth using teeth. to place or press the foot on something. to stop yourself from doing something.
Diesel Engine Oil Science Lowering viscosity of oil for fuel economy benefits can adversely impact equipment. What does “W” in viscosity grade stands for. Name the pollutant which is blocked using Diesel Particulate filter. Less than 50 ppm sulphur is used in _____ fuels. Name Gulf Mobile Natural Gas Engine Oil .
Different Cultures in Australia World Geography St Patricks Day. Eiffel Tower. Pyramids are from which culture. Favourite Australian spread. Chinese New Year is celebrated in which country.
Diffusion Earth Sciences this contains a green pigment called chlorophyll. what is the cell structure called that contains water and cell sap. this describes a membrane which lets small soluble molecules through. an example of a small soluble molecule. a waste material that would diffuse out of the cell.
Digestion Body organ that produces insulin . enzyme that breaks down fat into glycerol and fatty acids . enzyme that breaks down sucrose . ball of food formed in the mouth . basic unit of proteins .
Digestion Body the muscular sphincter that controls the movement of digested food into the small intestine. covers the dentin of the tooth root. Where teeth come together to grind food . Blood in the stool. the act of regurgitation of food to be swallowed again.
Digestion Body gland located behind the stomach that makes and releases hormones such as insulin. condition with the absence of bowel movements for an extended period of time. group of glands found under and behind the tongue and beneath the jaw that release saliva. acidic liquid in stomach made up of hydrochloric acid, mucus, and enzymes. triangular wedge that makes cholesterol.
Digestive System Body difficulty in swallowing. pertaining to the digestive tract. glands that produce saliva. upset stomach. part of the body that contains digestive organs.
Digestive system Body liver cells . cells that secrete HCl and intinsic factor. largest lobe of the liver . fat emulsifying liquid . cells that produce pepsinogen.
Digestive System Body Converts food into energy. Connects desending colon to rectum. Useless. Absorbs electrolytes. Breaks food further down.
Digestive System Body Salivary amylase uses ______________ digestion . When fat enters the duodenum a hormone is released . One of the accessory organ is _____________. breakdown small polypeptides into amino acids . The gall bladder use _______ to emulsifies fats .
Digestive System Body Thrush is often treated with which oral antifungal?. liver enlargement. canker sore. presence of fat in feces. Patient has a clicking sound and pain when chewing and problems opening mouth. Where is the patient's pain located? .
Digestive System Body relating to the small intestine. surgery to form a new opening in the ileum. suffix that means abnormal condition. instrument to cut the esophagus. prefix that means under, below.
Digestive System Body Please complete the crossword puzzle below. Secretes insulin and glucagon. The act of chewing. This part of the digestive tract is susceptible to infection due to fecal material entering, but not being able to drain out. Secretes heparin. This phase of digestion occurs when food is taken into the body via the mouth.
Digestive System Body Breaks down fats to fatty acids. Filters Blood. Detoxifies Blood. Increases the surface area of the small intestine. Helps the movement of food. Keeps intestines in place.
Digestive System Body immunity against antigens and pathogens in the body fluids. the injection of a weakened form of a pathogen to producw immunity. compounds that kill bacteria without harming the cells. the activated mast cells release chemicals. type of immunity produced by the bodys reaction.
Digestive System Body this organ makes baking soda and secretes many digestive enzymes. This 'canal' is synonymous with 'digestive system'. the scientific term for 'chewing'. unit that measures the energy content of food. a scientific term for 'chewed food'.
Digital Literacy Technology Complete the crossword using the vocabulary word bank when companies collect information about you based on your online behavior. a graphic image that represents a person online anonymous: without a name or other information that identifies who you are. an image and personality that you show to others. to improve a photo by adding or changing small details. a popular belief about a group of people, based on assumptions that are often false.
Discover Cells Body cells working together for a common function. formed from tissue. basic unit of life. used in protein synthesis. contains DNA and directs cell activity.
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