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Children Crosswords

These crosswords are made for kids ages 8 to 12. They are made up of words that are often found in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade spelling lists and cover subjects of interest to older kids. To view or print a crossword puzzle for children click on its title.

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Ecology Biology An organism, such as a green plant, that produces its own food through photosynthesis;first trophic level in the food chain. a class of relationships between two organisms where one organism benefits from the other without affecting it.. A plant-eating organism. An organism that can make its own food. refers to the way in which an organism fits into an ecological community or ecosystem.
Ecology Science Any living part of the environment with which an organism might interact.. All organisms that live in a place, together with their physical environment.. The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environments. . A group of different populations that live together in a defined area. . A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms..
Economic problem Business and Work the reward to enterpreneurs. statements that can be proved in real life. these are unlimited..... the fundamental economic problem is that resources are... the place where buyers and sellers meed.
ECONOMICS Business and Work A person who makes goods or provides services. The ability and desire to purchase goods and services. Amount of goods and services available. A person who purchases and uses goods or services. The study of goods and services that are made, purchased, and sold in a country.
Economics Business and Work the store had to close because it didnt make a lot of money or ______. you can find food at the super_______. there is large________for the Iphone 5 in the stores. having a limited quantify of resources to meet unlimited wants. a factor that encourages peoople to act in a certain way is .
Ecosystem Biology One organism benefits and the other is harmed. Path that energy takes. All living and nonliving things in an environment. No longer exists on Earth. Organisms that are eaten by other animals.
Ecosystem Science living and non-living things that interact in an environment. an animal that eats prey. meat eaters. eat only producers. consumers that are eaten by predators.
Ecosystems Science The place where an organism lives. Feed on waste material or dead organisms e.g. fungi. Organisms that depend upon producers for food, e.g. animals. All the populations of different species who live in the same place at the same time. Carnivores that eat primary consumers.
Edgar Allan Poe Literature and Writing The disease that Edgar Allan Poe's first wife, Virginia, dies from.. Where Poe was found dead. The military academy Poe was kicked out of.. Edgar's real mother.. His full name..
Edgar Allen Poe Literature and Writing Poem dedicated to his wife.. Professional team named after Poe's poem.. First modern detective story.. Boston. Poe's age at death..
Education Other The dominant way in which we process the information around us is considered our _________ style.. A plan of studies that includes the ways in which the instructional content is organized and presented at each grade level is called the ________.. The field of ___________ education focuses on the services and instructional practices needed by students with disabilities.. The percentage of students who fail to complete highschool or earn an equivalency degree is a _________ rate.. In most states teachers are protected by ________ statutes that define a probationary period during which a teachers performance is evaluated..
Education Other The values, cultures,practices, and organization of school . A person or familys status in society (most of the time based on income). Descritption of your ideas about teaching and learning and how they influence your practice. Educating English-language learners by teaching them in their native language. teachers who have lost their motivation and desire for being effective teachers.
Eggs Food Foam used in baked desserts.. When liquid accumulates.. Anchor the yolk in the center of an egg.. Commonly known as egg white.. Contains veggies, cheese,and chopped..
Egypt World Geography the Israelite's saw them in the promise land . wouldn't let Gods people go. was hot, sand, and people crossed it a lot. came in the middle of the night it was the ... of darkness. Moses hit a rock and it came flowing out.
Egypt NONE egypt history marked from 2050 to 1750 BC. landform at a mouth of a river made by sediment deposits. dead people who have been mummfied. people who can read and write. 1550 to1050 BC when egypt was at its hight.
Egypt World Geography first pharoah of egypt. egyptian tomb. gift of the nile. egyptian picture writing. boy king.
Egyptian History a time in Egyptian history marked by order and stability. a triangular piece of land by the mouth of a river. a giant triangular tomb built by the Egyptians. a climatic time in Egyptian history between the years of 1550 and 1050 BC. life after death.
Egyptian Technology History Egyptians used a stick in the ground inside a circle surrounded by numbers to tell the time of day when the sun overhead made a shadow on it.. Egyptians used sharp knives, _________, and scissors as tools.. Egyptians made __________ and bronze weapons to protect them from the Hyksos. . Egyptians invented the first writing system called __________.. Egyptians cared hieroglyphics into temples, tombs, and _______ paper..
Eleanor Roosevelt History Eleanor carried note from?. This story is a form of?. Eleanor married this president?. Who was called the 'ulgy duckling'?. Her parens pessed and she went to live with?.
Election Mixup! Government and Politics The amount of time a position is held.. A promise.. A person running for public office.. A discussion between people running for public office.. To make a decision..
Election of Abraham Lincoln History Southern Democrat. A person who seeks an office, honor . 16th president . The state of being nominated . A disagreement or a dispute .
Electric Motors Technology When an object becomes magnetized and exerts magnetic force it's called a______. When OPPOSITE poles come together they..... The earth has a North and _____ pole . a small compact engine . He invented the first electric motor (Last Name).
Electric Tools Technology an electric light that you hold in your hand and point at things. apply a lubricant to. a substance that leaves signs of where it has been, for example as it passes through someone’s body. material used for preventing heat, cold, noise, or electricity from passing through something. to force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it around.
Electricity Physics Neutral charge . Rearrange Electrons and there position . Involves contact of a charged object to a neutral object . Associated with electrical charges . Flask .
Electricity Physics the measurement of the distance between two wavelengths . reduces acne and reduces bacteria . constant even-flowing current that travels in one direction only. the flow of electricity along a conductor . positive electrode thats usually red and is marked with a P or + sign.
Electricity Physics Used to measure a voltage. Energy that creates a charge. Two or more paths for current to flow through. A measuring instrument used to measure the current in a circuit. A circuit where the current follows one path.
Electricity Science Something that conducts electricity poorly.. Flow of electrons.. Metal is a GREAT.... Is your hair sticking up?. Electric Current, BACKWARDS..
Electricity Science Substance having infinitely high resistance.. Unit of electric current.. Which type of circuit series or parallel is preferred while connecting a large number of bulbs for decorating a hotel from outside.. Which type of circuit series or parallel is preferred while connecting a large number of bulbs inside the rooms of the hotel.. S.I. unit of electric power..
Electricity Science Electrons don't move easily.. Transferring charge by touch.. Current that has one loop to flow through.. Net movement of electrical charges in a single direction.. Closed path an electrical current follows..
Electricity and Electromagnetism Science a transformer that decreases voltage or current. a transformer that increases voltage or current. coil of wire that carries an electric . attacks objects within its magnetic field. energy possessed by an object by its motion and position .
Element Finder Chemistry used to make drinking water safe and to treat swimming pools. its used in naval ships, aircraft, automobiles and sporting goods. used mainly in electrical applications, cut diamonds and make filaments for incandescent light bulbs. what do you breathe every day?. used in everyday using, like pencils, and to line tanks that store corrosive liquids.
Elements and Principles of Design Art a closed line. . he surface quality that can be seen or felt. the feeling of unity created when all parts relate well with each other. the part of design that catches the viewer's attention. the area between and around objects.
Elements of Fiction Literature and Writing an all-knowing narrator who reveals the thoughts of several characters. sequence of events in a story. the way in which a story is told; who is telling the story; the narrator. the time and place in which a story takes place. way or method the author uses to tell a story.
Elements of Music Music Write the correct vocabulary word in the crossword for each definition. The syllables of a scale that we sing, often using hand signs.. A form of music with the pattern in which the first and last sections are the same and the middle section is different.. how loud or soft the music is sung or played.. High or low musical tones based upon vibrations.. The tone color of an instrument's sound, or how bright or rich the sound is..
Elephant Animals All about elephants Type of elephant. Colour of their skin. Continent they live in . Country they live in . Type of elephant.
Elephants Animals Something I need when I can't do something myself. Scared. Not alone. Sounds. The most important drink in the world.
Eletrical Religion Electrical Terminology Metric measurement or testing device. To secure cable. Measure of power. To protect circuit. Loop or continuity.
Elijah Buxton Literature and Writing They were ____________ about participating in the challenge.. The comment is very foolish or. The disease is__________ the community.. Dont delay or . A very skilled person has.
Elizabeth I History to see affection. light or fire used as a signal or warning. a woman who teaches and cares for children of a household. large group of warships. attendant at royal court.
Elk Fun Animals To shed hair, especially a thick winter coat. A group of warm-blooded animals that have hair and nurse their young with milk. The Shawnee name for the American Elk. Bony, hornlike growths on the head of an animal. Animals with hooves.
Ella Fitzgerald Music Ella Fitzgerald's music career launched during?. What did Ella die from?. How many Grammys did Ella win?. What type of music is Ella known for singing?. A form of singing that tries to mimic the sound of an instrument.
Elvis Presley Music Who did Elvis give his money to he made from the service . What country did elvis meet his life in. Elvis first movie. Elvis Nickname. Elvis middle name.
Email Society Email tools The title of the email (7). what the 'e' in email stands for (9). A word for sending a email you recieved onto someone else (7). A sign off for an email (9). A message sent electronically (5).
Email Society To send copy of incoming mail to someone. Internet Service Provider. Delete a message. Electronic Mail. Confidential.
Emotions Mental Health I was very __________ when I played outside today.. j __ __ __ o u s. w __ __ __ __ __ d. i __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ d. c __ __ __ __ __ e d.
emotions Society thinking you have done something wrong. in pain. unsure. certain. pleased.
Emperor Penguins Animals Which part of the penguin’s body is used to keep the egg warm?. How many minutes can an emperor penguin stay underwater using only one breath?. About how many meals will a chick eat in 5 months?. Does the male or the female look after the egg?. What month do penguins mate?.
Emphysema Health Not only air flow but ___ flow is also affected.. The ____ function is impared resulting in air trapping.. The lung tissues involved in exchange of gases is impared or __.. ___ emphysema destroys the entire alveolus.. ____ lung tissue looks like an old used sponge..
Endangered Bald Eagle Animals The average life span of a bald eagle in years . A bald eagle's diet is mainly comprised of this. This is making bald eagle endangered . The bald eagle mainly lives near these. Bald eagles are seen in every state but this one .
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