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Children Crosswords

These crosswords are made for kids ages 8 to 12. They are made up of words that are often found in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade spelling lists and cover subjects of interest to older kids. To view or print a crossword puzzle for children click on its title.

Title Subject Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints
Endangered Species Science what we can do to save endangered species. the scientific study of the behavior of animals. where animals and plants live in the wild. species that have all died out and there is none left. an animal that lives in the savannas of Africa.
Ender's Game Books Crossword First army Ender commanded. Name if his first friend. Name of first army Ender inducted into. What is Enders real name. Who saved Ender from being killed by Bonzo.
Enders Game Books Ender's nickname . Creatures that ender defeated. Training center. Main character . Bernard's best friend.
Enders Game Books parter in the salamander army . head of the battle school . one setting where enders game took place . goes to battle school at the age of six, younger brother of Peter and Valentine . enders last teacher .
Enders Game Books Who taught Ender how to shoot?. What was Enders first army?. Who was the commander of dragon army?. What was Enders friends name?. What were they training to fight?.
Ending With NGE Spelling Lists a soft thing that soaks up water and you use it to wash things. to compete in a test of skill or strength. a range of hills or mountains. To group something in a special way. pay back for something done to you.
Energy Science _________ energy comes from burning fuels.. Most machines have ____________ energy.. ___________ and light are two kinds of energy.. Food, fuel, and __________ all have stored energy.. _______ energy changes into chemical energy..
Energy Physics By pacing low temputures on hot surfaces or objects starts what enery?. What energy is released by heat?. The standerd unit for potential and work is___.. By spliting or joining atoms create what type of energy?. It has the potentail to be converted into other forms of energy..
Energy Physics Use the clues to fill the answers into the correct space in the crossword. An object that is up high, has this type of energy. . A convection current is when _____ energy travels through air or in water. . This energy comes from the sun. . This type of energy is found in food. . Tidal and wave energy sources use moving _____. .
Energy Science Energy that is a measure of the total amount of kinetic energy in particles in an object.. Energy stored in chemical bonds.. The energy that results from vibrations in matter. Energy that moves objects.. Energy stored in by an object's shape.
Energy Science _____ energy is energy we can hear.. _____ energy is the energy you use when you move or lift an object.. _____ and sound energy travel in waves.. _____ is how high or low the sound is. . _____Pitch Sounds come from slow moving vibrations..
Energy Sources Physics Find the correct word Energy sources that are limited since it takes longer to replenish than it is does to use it.. Energy that comes from the force of moving water. Stored energy and the energy of position. Any organic matter that can be used as an energy source such as weood, crops, or yard waste.. A colorless and odorless fossil fuel made mostly of methane..
Energy Words Science heat energy. movement. substance transformation. energy produced by vibration . machine energy.
Engines Technology fuel used in jet engines. the most popular plane engine. engines used on tourism planes. engine only used for high speed. power the compressor.
English Literature and Writing Adjective, Nouns, Vocabulary according to what people say but unproven . the type of literature . what the story is about. the plan and the time needed to do it . generous in size; enough to satisfy.
English Society another word for convince . entertainment presented before an audience. long lasting, non fading marker. the other team kept _____________ of the ball. other techniques to make some on to believe on something .
English Literature and Writing Use of a literal work or clues. Contradiction between what a character thinks. One thing is spoken of as though it were something else. Feeling of uncertainty about the outcome of events. Non-human subject is given human characteristics.
English Revolution History The second colony and became a heaven of religious freedom. most commonly known as the brave Indian Disney princess. a person who has journeyed to a place for religious reason. the acceptance of a certain body of religious knowledge. a unfermented drink made by crushing fruit, usually apples.
Entry Level English Spelling Lists A type of snake. Past Tense of Think. Your name is a _______ noun. Past Tense of Speak. Word which joins two sentences together.
Environment Science green plants are also known as ____________.. the environment with biotic and abiotic components.. species which do not exist.. naturally produced food.. Green house gas..
Environmental Science Earth Sciences All organisms of the same group or species. Species that are losing members at a rate that they will become endangered. The role of a species in its community. Electricity produced through a chemical reaction usually Hydrogen and Oxygen. The region draining into a river, river system, or other body of water.
Ephesians 2 Bible He might show the exceeding riches of his. We are his. Having no. But God, who is rich in. Even when we were dead in.
Epic Movies follows in the footsteps of Snowball Lisas cat. The boy who lived. his weakness is kryptonite. spends most of his time in the first church of Springfield. Springfields local mobster.
Equation Math Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign. Whole numbers and their opposites. A letter used to represent a number. Another word for variable.
Erosion Earth Sciences drpping of sediment that occurswhen an agent of erosion can no longer carry it.. farming methiod to reduse erosoin on steep slops. arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crop. methiod for redusing soil erosion. process in which surface materials are worn away.
Erosion and Deposition Earth Sciences laying down or settling of eroded material. large mass of ice that formed on land. layered sediment deposited by streams of water that flowed from a melting glacier. moud or ridge of unsorted sediment deposited by a glacier. removal of weathered material from one location to another.
Erosion Deposition Earth Sciences evidence. water erosion. can quake. subzero. deposits of rock.
Escape From Warsaw Books - Historical Joseph Balicki's wife name.. Number of orphans under Ruth's care.. University Ruth went to.. The place Joseph and his wife planned to meet if they were ever separated.. Number of years Edek had been taken away from Ruth and Bronia..
Escape to Egypt Bible Matthew 2: 13-23 Where they finally settled after Egypt.. The next person reigning in Judah after Herod, his son. . How soon did Joseph get Mary and Jesus out of town.. Came to Joseph in dreams.. The first dream destination that came to Joseph.
Escape to Warsaw Books The young boy who has trouble with stealing that the Balicki children found. The Russians soldier who gave Ruth the supplies she needed for her school.. The ones who are fighting the Polish.. Where the Balicki children and escaping to.. The youngest Balicki child..
Esperanza Rising Entertainment an object filled with caramels given to poor children. one of Esperanza's birthday foods. filled with mountains and valleys. a gift from Mama to Carmen. people who come to live in a foreign country.
Esperanza Rising Chapter 1 Literature and Writing bitter feelings about having been treated unfairly. (of a place) to be filled or echo with a sound. the condition of being right, appropriate, or fitting. an attractively arranged group of flowers. a shady garden alcove with sides and a roof formed by trees over a framework..
Eucharist Religion We recieve the _______ ____ _______ of Christ at Eucharist. . Every Eucharist is a remembrance of the death and ___________ of Jesus.. Who comes upon the Eucharist?. What does the word Eucharist mean?. _________ is a sacrament you can recieve over and over..
Euclid's Axioms and Postulates Math has neither length nor breadth. ends of a line. whole is greater than _____. edges of surface. has length and breadth only.
Europe Today World Geography In this country castilian, Catalonian and Basque are spoken. The joining together of East and west Germany under one government. Netherlands use this to reclaim the sea. Another word for self rule. Low swampy lands.
Europe Today World Geography In this country Castilian, Catalonian and bosque are spoken. Plants that have partly decayed in water. Netherlands use this to 'reclaim' the sea. A term means 'low swampy lands'. Type of spring of spring that shoots hot water and steam into the air.
European Capital Cities World Geography Capital of Russia. Capital of Italy. Capital of Spain. Capital of the Netherlands. Capital of Greece.
European Exploration and Settlement World Geography The country that sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyage. . This man led the settlers in Jamestown. . The first country to claim lands we now call New York. . Spain claimed land on the East Coast of the modern-day US, in the state we now call ____________.. This crop was very profitable for people living in Virginia. .
European Geography World Geography famous river in Italy. capital of Poland. Rory McIlroy's home country. major european mountains. country of the Rhine River.
Events Leading to Civil Rights History Confederate state that chose to secede from the union in 1860.. This state would not be found on the map of the United States in 1820.. To formally withdraw.. Invented in 1794 made it easier to remove cotton seeds. President that was elected in November 1860..
Every Soul A Star Books Everyone in this novel is this because it's someone who travels to see an astronomical event.. Lives at Moon Shadow and adores it; forced to move to the city.. Jock in school, but goes to Moon Shadow every summer.. Goes on a science trip to Moon Shadow, so he doesn't have summer school.. Enjoys bugs and stars; also lives at Moon Shadow. Is Ally's brother..
Evidences of Evolution Science Complete the crossword puzzle by writing the correct answer with hints that give clues for each word. Organisms' DNA and of the proteins are analyze. Distribution of plants and animals in geographic space and through geologic time. Development of an organism from conception to birth. Body structures of different organisms that have the same basic arrangement andpattern. Body structures that do not serve any apparent function.
Evolution Science The key that helps an animal survive!. A process that involves change from ancient to modern.. Any difference between individuals of the same species.. An explanation that has been well tested for a wide range of observations or experimental results.. If it is a _________________, it is a structure that have been inherited from a common ancestor..
Evolution Science lives under water. like bananas and lives in trees . if an animal is going to survive it must .... we all have them inside our body. created the world in seven days.
Excretory System Body Produces insulin to go in blood. Unit in kidney that filters blood. Makes bile, Stores sugar, filters blood. Organs that break down food to be used in body. Broader and shorter part of the intestines.
Executive Branch Government and Politics Who is the president pro tempore now. Who is the current head of the state department . Who was the 26th president. These are written agreements with other nations. This helps set up plans that guide our nations relationship with other nations.
Exercise Health Need a bike for this.. Need only comfortable shoes for this.. Need a racquet and ball for this. Usually palayed on a special court.. Need long sticks, a small ball.and a large outdoor area.. Need a table, small bats and balls..
Exercise Health Use the handout to answer the crossword puzzle. Exercise makes your heart __________.. 'with air'. Exercise strengthens _____________.. Aerobic Exercise. Simples __________, such as touching your toes,.
Exploration History The course of travel. A part of a map that shows the direction. The act to move from one place to another. To go around the world by ship. A journey taken for a specific reason.
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