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Body Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
The Magic Human Eye Look carefully at the clues provided and try to solve the crossword! Short sightedness . The bending of light as it passes from one substance to another.. Far sightedness . The point in space where parallel light rays meet after passing through the lens or bouncing off the mirror. . A lens having at least one surface curved like the inner surface of a sphere.. Teenage
The Muscular System Use your vocabulary definitions to complete the puzzle. Connective tissue surrounding a muscle.. A motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates.. Ability to stretch.. The smallest contractile unit of a muscle cell.. Fibrous sheet connecting a muscle to the part it moves.. Very Difficult
The Muscular System each of a pair of long flat muscles at the front of the abdomen. The type of muscle found in the heart. the type of muscle that supports blood vessels and hollow internal organs. each of a pair of long muscles that connect the sternum, clavicle, and mastoid which turn and nod the head. the large muscle at the front of the thigh, which is divided into four distinct portions. Hard
The Muscular System This is a crossword puzzle that has key terms related to the muscular system and how muscles are named. a muscle that has 2 different points of origin . something that can contract in different ways to cause movement. these make up your skeletal system. describes a muscle that is smaller in size compared to its counterpart. works side by side with the ___ system to help living things move. Hard
The Nervous System Please complete the crossword puzzle below Protects the spinal cord.. These cells detect a stimulus.. Whitish chords made up of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue through which impulses are transmitted.. The _ _ _ _ _ and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system.. Consisting of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves.. Hard
The Nervous System Largest nerve tract that connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.. A deep grove in the brain.. A cerebrovascular accident.. Causes muscles to contract, glands to secrete, and organs to function properly.. A fluid that helps cushion the brain and spinal cord and nourishes with oxygen and glucose.. Hard
The Nervous System synonym for skin. coordinates the messages from the brain to the spinal cord. connect the spinal cord to our muscles, joints and skin. it's responsible for balance,movement and coordination. the most important organ in the nervous system. Big
The Nervous System The sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body.. Bundled axons that form neural 'cables' connecting the central nervous system with muscles, glands, and sense organs.. The type of neuron that carries incoming information from the sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord. . The bodies communication network, consisting of all the nerve cells of the peripheral and central nervous systems.. The type of neurons that carries outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands.. Hard
The Nervous System Complete the crossword using your notes on the nervous system as well as prior knowledge. Restores body to normal function after a stressful situation ends.. All nerves carrying messages from the senses to the central nervous system.. All nerves and neurons not contained in the brain and spinal cord.. Passageway in which impulses travel from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland. (efferent). Fiber that transmits impulses of sensations to the brain and spinal cord and then to muscles and organs.. Big
The Nervous System small swelling at the tip one of many endings of the axon. in the PNS and regulates the activity of cardiac and smooth muscles, organs, and glands. takes neuron signals from sensory receptor to the CNS. division of the nervous system consisting of the nerves . contains the mid-brain, pons, and medulla oblongata . Hard
The Nervous System branch of trigemnial nerve that innervates maxillary teeth, maxillary sinuses and soft palate . carry signals about the outside world to brain, used to sense light, temperature sound etc . a neuron's ability to transmit a signal is called its. this part of the nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. carry signals from brain to body, innervate muscles and glands . Big
The Other Senses Receptors for temperature. Smell and taste are known as the _________ senses, as the nose and tongue register ______ substances. (Physical property of sound) The amount of waves. (Physical property of sound) AKA: intensity (dB) Sine wave representation of the pressure waves above (height of wave). Can alert us to look at something (because our ears are at the sides of our head). Very Difficult
The Respiratory System The main organs of the Respiratory System. We exhale this and is carried away from the lungs. We inhale this and is carried to the lungs. Two air tubes that branch off and carry air into the lungs. Essential to life . Teenage
The Respiratory System transports oxygen and carbon dioxide as parts of molecules of certain chemical bonds (hemoglobin). substance covering the surface of the respiratory membrane inside of the alveolus. the outside wall of the trachea is covered by this muscle. influence the rate and strength of respirations. increases the volume of the thoracic cavity. Hard
The Respiratory System a large eel-like freshwater fish which using pulses of electricity to kill prey or for defence.. disease caused by inflammation of windpipe and the two main air tubes that lead to the lungs. substances that make something dirty or no longer pure. infectious and inflammatory lung disease that results in lung damage. breathed out (the word has the letter p). Hard
The Respiratory System Read the hints then identify the correct answer. This system is responsible for the exchange of gases.. These are the primary organs of the respiratory system.. This organ is where both air and food passes.. This is a membrane that protects each lung.. After the air passes through the nostrills, It passes through this organ located at the throat.. Big
The Senses Any of the clusters of bulbous nerve endings on the tongue and in the linning of the mouth that provides the sense of taste.. A layer at the back of the eyeball containing cells that are photorecptor.. A flat clored ring shaped membrne behind the cornea of the eye with a pupil in the center. . The spiral cavity of the inner ear containing the organ of corti produces nerve impulses in response to sound vibrations.. The three semicircular canal s of the bony labyrinth are designated, according to their position, superior, horizontal, and posterior.. Big
The Senses smells. body parts for special jobs. harm. carry message to brain. protects from harm. Big
The Sensory Somatic Nervous System There are typically 36 pairs of spinal nerves in which animal? . The number of cranial nerve pairs located within the sensory somatic system. . The branch through which motor nerves enter the spinal cord. . The scientific term 'afferent' refers to what type of somatic functions?. The primary function of this system is to operate what? . Hard
The Skeletal System A joint that allows one bone to rotate around another.. A mineral that helps keep bones strong.. A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily.. A place where two bones come together.. A joint that allows little or no movement.. Hard
The Skeletal System A joint that allows one bone to rotate around another.. A mineral that helps keep bones strong.. A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily.. A place where two bones come together.. A joint that allows little or no movement.. Older Children
The Skeletal System A joint that allows one bone to rotate around another.. A mineral that helps keep bones strong.. A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily.. A place where two bones come together.. A joint that allows little or no movement.. Older Children
The Skeletal System bones that protect internal organs. points of contact between bones. found in your neck and forearm. acts as a cushion at a joint. a knoblike projectionn. Big
THE SKELETAL SYSTEM the collection of the bones that protect your lungs.. the place where two bones meet.. something the joins muscles to bone.. the substance inside a bone that makes blood cells.. the bone that protects your brains.. Hard
The Skeletal System a condition in which progressive loss of bone tissue occurs. bones that are thinner and flatter than others. damage to tissues caused by repeated movements.. bones that have an unusual shape and do not fit into the other categories. strong, flexible, connective tissue. Hard
The Skeletal System Cage around the chest. Made of many fibrous joints and protects our brain. Widest part of the spine . Bones of the ankles . Name for the collar bone. Older Children
The Skeleton The bone at the base of the spine. At the upper end of the backbone there is the.... Bone located behind the upper limb girdle. Hand section consisting of 8 bones. Rudiment of the backbone. Older Children
The Skeleton Protection friction at the knee. Remove calcium during remodelling of bone. Wrist joint . Curvature of the spine. Joint found at the elbow. Older Children
The Skin This gland produces sebum. This protects the skin against ultraviolet light. The outer layer of the skin. When the body temperature is raised the arterioles in the blood do this. When the body temperature decreases the arterioles in the skin do this. Big
The Teeth Edges of the front teeth.. Adults should have _____________ teeth.. These teeth appear around the age of 6.. Found inside the dentine. The pulp cavity houses ______________. Big
Theology of the Body Definitions the study of God as revealed through our bodies. Estrogen and Progesterone. true love must involve giving, sacrificing and putting others 1st. selfish sexual desire, apart from the love of God. the releasing of a mature egg. Hard
Thorax & Abdomen inflammation of the appendix characterized by high fever,. liver, pancreas, kidney and lung . increase in respiratory rate associated w/anxiety including . blood in urine. Stomach, Gallbladder, Bladder, Intestines, Vessels. Hard
Thorax and Abdomen Produces insulin . dome shaped muscle . Muscle injured during a abdominal muscle strain . ribs 11 and 12 are called ________ ribs. Lies between the diaphram and the pelvis. Hard
Thorax and Abdomen Muscle Elevates the ribs. A deep muscle that help increase volume of the lungs and body posture. Also allows the lungs to breath properly. Compresses the Thorax for forced expiration. The most superficial abdominal muscle, helps with posture and known as 'the six pack'. Hard
Thyroid Medication to treat hypothyroidism. Medication that can cause hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroid complications caused by stressors. Enlargement of thyroid gland. Most common cause of hypothyroidism globally. Hard
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands Increases metabolic rate. Calcium balance is crucial for what major system of the body. Released when blood calcium levels are to low. Mineral used from food to make T3 and T4. Butterfly shaped gland in the neck. Hard
Tissue A type of connective tissue that form a 3D web to create a mesh. Form the framework of the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.. Stratified tissue typically found in body areas that are subjected to stress and tension changes. For example, the urinary bladder.. thin, sheetlike structures that may have many important functions to the body. They cover and protect the body surface, line body cavities, and cover inner surfaces of hollow organs.. The formal name for the cells that are responsible for producing antibodies and fighting infections.. The basic structural unit of bone.. Big
Tissue one layerof tall, slender cells; gut and respiratory tract; absorption and secretion. transport nutrients, gases, waste, hormones, fight infection, blood vessels. back of body. several layersof flattened cells, in skin, esophagus; provides protection against infection. random coils and can stretch and recoils; skin, lungs, blood vessels. Hard
Tissue Names single layer of tall closely packed cells. vary in height. most widespread of stratified epithelia. able to change shape, lines urinary organs. boxlike, as tall as they are wide. Teenage
Tissue Types Transports substances, helps maintain stable internal movement. Located throughout the body within heart chambers.. Form the substance of bone. Contains a blood vessel.(haversian system). heart movements. Located in the heart muscle.. Contains a dense network of elastic fiber. It is more flexible than hyalie cartilage. Provides framework for external ears and for parts of the larynx.. Rigid connective tissue. Provides support, frameworks and attachements. Protects underlying tissues. Forms structural models for developing bones.. Big
Tissue Types Consists of a single layer of elongated cells. Helps maintain a stable enternal environment. Lines the passages of the respiratory system. Newer cells in the deeper layers and older flattened cells on the outer layer. Consists of many closely packed, thick, collagenous fibers and a fine network of elsastic fibers. Hard
Tissue Types absorption, secretion, protection . throughout body within a closed system of blood vessels and heart chambers . protection, secretion, movement of mucus. outer layer of skin . tendons, ligaments, deeper layers of skin. Hard
To Kill a Mockingbird evil. favorable. very bad or unpleasant. always ready to fight. to carry on in spite of difficulties. Older Children
Tooth Anatomical Features Identify the following morphology: the ridge the is formed by 2 triangular ridges and travels from the vestibular to the lingual sides of the posterior tooth. a smooth irregular shaped depression that forms a triangle on the occlusal of a posterior tooth. a irregular, smooth depression. the ridge found on the incisal surface of an anterior tooth. a smooth irregular shaped depression found on the lingual of an anterior tooth. Hard
Upper Limb Trauma Sign seen in posterior glenohumeral dislocation. Displacement of the distal radius fragment in Smith fracture. Fracture of the distal radius associated with a dinner fork deformity. Fracture of the diaphysis of the ulna sustained as a defensive injury. Oblique fracture of the radial styloid process. Hard
Upper Limb Trauma Direction of the displacement of the distal fracture segment in Smith fracture. Fracture of the distal part of the radius resulting in a dinner fork deformity. Fracture of the diaphysis of the ulna. Fracture of the distal radius which results in a garden spade deformity. Collateral ligament affected in skier's thumb. Hard
Urinary System removal of organic wastes from body fluids. contract and flatten to empty urine through the urethra. Muscles that help keep urine from leaking by closing tightly around the opening of the bladder . discharge of waste production. located below the ribs toward the middle of the back. Hard
Urinary System abdominal x-ray of kidney, ureter, and bladder typically used as a scout film before doing an IVP; kidney, ureter, bladder. A hard mass formed in the kidneys, typically consisting of insoluble calcium compounds. x-rays of the urinary tract taken after iodine is injected into the bloodstream and as the contrast passes through the kidney, revealing obstruction, evidence of trauma, etc.. Each of the functional units in the kidney, consisting of a glomerulus and its associated tubule. inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance. Very Difficult
Urinary System functional unit of the kidney. outer protective covering of the kidney. temp. storage unit for urine. removal of wastes from blood. loop of /part of renal tubule. Hard
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