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Body Crosswords

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Organelles stores food and water for the cell. helps with digestion for the cell. Organelle that stores information and DNA. makes protein. protects the cell from its surroundings. Hard
Organs of the Body Organs of the Body Vision. Where oxygen is exchanged. Makes enzymes that break down sugars, fats, and starches. Makes insulin. Remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. Filters the blood and removes any old or damaged red blood cells. Young Kids
Orthopedic Terms State of healing of the bone in which there is no healing. thinning of the bones with reduction in the bone mass due to the depletion of calcium and bone protien. Inflammation of a joint. A break in the bone. grating sound heard on movement of ends of a broken bone.. Moderately Challenging
Our body You smell with your . . . . If you don't have these, you can't walk. You need these to breathe.. It's where you bend your arm in the middle.. You are now using this body part to think.. Easy
Pancreas Read the information and use it to answer the crossword questions. When blood sugar is too high, which hormone causes it to be stored in the liver?. What do starches and carbohydrates break down into?. Other than hormones, what else does the pancreas produce?. What is the condition called when not enough insulin is produced?. Which hormone controls blood sugar levels?. Big
Parts Of A Cell Green struture in plant cells. Sac-like space for storing food and waste. Cell containing nucleus. Small organelle composed of cytoplasmic granuales. Basic unit of life. Hard
Parts of a Cell Storage bubbles that store food and a variety of nutrients.. Protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell. . Named after Camillo Golgi, an Italian biologist.. Holds all of the cell pieces and fluids inside the cell and keeps any nasty things outside the cell.. Powerhouse of the cell.. Hard
Parts of the Body A group of body parts that work together to perform a special job. A kind of muscle that a person can control. A group of cells that look alike a work together to do a certain job. The place where two bones come together. A tough, rubbery tissue that makes up parts of the skeleton. Big
Parts of the Body Parts of the body that you use to run.. Part of the body that has the face.. Parts of the body that moves when you breathe.. Parts of the body that you use to walk.. parts of the body that you use to hug.. Easy
Parts of the Body there is a button in the middle.... it joins the head and the body. we have two in the mouth. dogs have four, spiders eight and birds two!. it is in the arm. Young Kids
Parts of the Body The front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are. Part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak. One of the two body parts in your face that you use for seeing. The area at the back of your mouth and inside your neck. Young Kids
Parts of the Body Complete the following crossword with the words below. Either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck.. It is the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm.. It is the joint between the foot and the leg.. It is the passage in the neck through which food and air pass on their way into the body.. It is the layer of tissue that covers the body.. Older Children
Parts of the Brain Encloses the shallow third ventricle. A very large fiber tract that connects the cerebral hemispheres. Plays a role in consciousness and the awake/sleep cycles. Also known as the 'interbrain'. Contains centers that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, swallowing, and vomiting. Teenage
Parts of the Brain and Nervous System transmits messages from sensory oragans to brain. branch-like ends of the axon . relays sensory information, and regulates sleep and attention. memories that are not in awareness but can be brought into awareness by focusing on them. thinking, planning, and conciousness. Hard
Parts of the Ear The tube Through which sound travels to the ear drum.. Where sound is amplified.. Snail shaped bone that detects sound.. Set of tubes attached to the cochlea.. Where sound waves are collected.. Big
Parts of the Eye Vitreous . Back part of the eye. Contains light-receptors called robs and cones. It also converts light waves into electrical signals. . Colored part of the eye. It is a circular shaped muscle that controls the size of the pupil.. Black hole in the iris. Light enters the eye through the opening. . Located behind the pupil. Allows you to see objects that are near and far. . Older Children
Parts of The Heart Complete the crossword below The central organ of the ______________ system.. largest blood vessels. lower chambers of the heart. another word for pacemaker. a muscle responsible for pumping blood to all parts of the body. Older Children
Passive Transport regulates the movement of dissolved molecules from the liquid on one side of the membrane to the liquid on the other side. is how much of solute is in a given volume of solution. minor component in a solvent. Solution concentration is greater outside the cell, so water moves out of the cell. membrane allows that passage of some molecules or ions and inhibits the passage of others. Big
Peripheral Nervous System proprioceptors; in the dermis; detect stretch in skin and joints. temperature. inside the body. chemicals. proprioceptors; detect stretch in muscle. Hard
Physical Disabilities you may have to change your classroom's _________ to accommodate your students with physical disabilities. student may need to get out of their _________ during the day. physical conditions that seriously impair the ability to move about or complete motor activities and interfere with learning. change how a student learns the material. students with physical disabilities may experience _________, or feel tired. Adult
Placenta Placenta is produced during___________. Enhance uterine blood supply and enlarge breasts. Placenta is located in the_________. Placenta is attached or covering the uterus. Causes relaxation of pelvic ligaments. Hard
Plasma Knowledge Power What does UCN stand for?. The center is graded every month through this?. Rupturing of Red Blood Cells.. How many venipunctures are you allowed to perform to complete a procedure?. What is the life span of frozen plasma?. Hard
Plasma Membranes and Cellular Transport the transport of material out of a cell by means of a sac or vesicle. have to work against the concentration gradient.. carbohydrate attached to it.. explains various observations regarding the structure of functional cell membranes.. process where cells lose their hypertonic solution.. Very Difficult
Pregnancy Complete the crossword below fluid-filled sac that contains and protects a fetus in the womb. early stages of development in the womb. one of a pair of twins who develop from a single fertilized ovum. cell produced by the union of two gametes. threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells. Adult
Psychology-The Brain Use the definitions to find the words. There are no spaces. Sends messages to the correct part of the brain. Wrinkled outer layer of the brain. Receiving stimuli from your senses. The part in the middle of the brain that connects the two hemispheres . When a neuron gets enough energy to fire. Big
Reflexes Moves body part away from stimulus.. Reflex that processes information in brain.. The _______ reflex is an example of a stretch reflex.. Direct synapse between a sensory and motor neuron.. _________ reflex is a rapid involuntary responses to certain stimuli.. Hard
Repiratory System Solve medical term for difficulty swallowing . inflammation of the lining of the lungs. easy or normal breathing. Pertaining to the lungs. cessation of breathing. Big
Reproduction the fluid that protects the sperm. a cycle that renews that lining of the uterus and an egg cell. the sensitivity organ of the female. produces the female cell-prematurely. the place of which the egg cell implants. Hard
Reproductive System Male and Female abbrev. for device that prevents implantation of the embryo. process of the formation of egg cells. male sex hormones. takes matured sperm to the urethra. tubules inside the testes where sperm are produced. Hard
Reproductive System A site for both egg laying and for excretion. The structure that produces and deposits the inner and outer shell membranes. A glandular structure made up of layers of circular muscles that carry the ovum along. A flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord. The male genital organ of higher vertebrates, carrying the duct for the transfer of sperm during copulation. Teenage
Reproductive System . the young of an animal in early stages of development within the womb. any bodily passage, especially one conveying secretions or excretion. reproductive gland. semen, a male reproductive cell. the process involved in the union of a male and female sex cell outside of the body of the female. Hard
Reproductive System Absence of menustration . Develops in uterus during pregnancy. Provides nutrients and oxygen to baby. Aids in the production of sperm. Stool composed of materials ingested by the infant while in the uterus. Fertilized eggs pass through this from the ovaries to uterus. Hard
Respiration Oxygen attaches to this in the blood stream to be transported. System which transports glucose and oxygen. A waste product of respiration. These contract thanks to the energy released during respiration.. The sugar required for respiration.. Big
Respiration glucose from food reacts with oxygen to produce energy. the right-hand side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs; the left-hand side pumps blood to the rest of the body. chemical reactions that release energy without oxygen. breathing out air from the lungs. changes to organisms which allow them to survive or to do their job. Big
Respiration and Energy A chamber of the heart that pumps blood. There are two.. A major blood vessel that brings oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. A muscle in the arm that contracts to bend the arm. A gas that is given off during respiration and transported to the lungs to breathe out. Muscle that sits under our lungs to help them inhale and exhale. Hard
Respiratory Crossword Palate supported by the bone. 'adenoid'; located high in the nasopharynx. Warms and moistens air. Superior opening of the larynx. Located at the base of the tongue. Hard
Respiratory Crossword Portion of lungs connected with the ribs. Accelerated breathing . Normal respiratory rate. Noise produce by air rushing through trachea and bronchi. Warms and moistens air. Big
Respiratory System The most amount of air that the lungs can hold.. The area of the body where oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled. This is a little flap that moves to block the windpipe when you are eating.. Tiny sacs at the end of each bronchiole. This is where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. The plural of this is alveoli.. This is hemoglobin without oxygen molecules. Oftentimes deoxy- hemoglobin contains carbon dioxide instead. They are colored purple or blue.. Hard
Respiratory System what you breathe in. what you breathe with. what you breth out. where your respiratory system is. the throut. Older Children
Respiratory System Difficult swallowing . Easy or normal breathing . Act of drawing air into the lungs, inhalation. Pertaining to the lungs. Cessation of breathing. Hard
Respiratory System the protein in blood that carries oxygen.. moistens the air and traps particles of dust or smoke.. the two branches off of the trachea where air passes through.. the main air-conveying tube in the throat.. brings about the exchanged of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood, the air, and tissues.. Big
Respiratory System Large amounts of air enter the respiratory system through the two structures, the mouth and the what?. This is a valve-like structure within the pharynx that controls the passage of food, water, and air. These are the major organ of the respiratory system and are large sacs in which gas is exchanged. When we exhale the diaphragm ______________, air is forced out, and our lungs and rib cage shrink.. The respiratory system functions to take ____________ from the air and put it in the blood stream. Big
Respiratory System Independent Study Crossword The sense of smell; olfaction. A pair of organs, the principal parts of the respiratory system. The flowing blood in a circulatory system.. An element, normally a gas.. Two main branches of the trachea that go into the lungs. Big
Respiratory System breathing in. air sacs. transports oxygenated blood throughout body. part that controls breathing. thick, sticky substance. Big
Respiratory System Terminology Forms part of the mediastinum and lines the inner wall pf the thoracic cavity. A fluid secreted by the cells of the alveoli that serves to reduce the surface tension of pulmonary fluids. Breathing in. Soft, spongy, coned shaped organs in the throacic cavity. small microscopic air sacs. Hard
Respritory System Warms and moistens inhaled air. kubes the air distribution tubes in the respiration tree. large enough to fill the chest cavity, except for middle space occupied by the heart and large blood vessels. inflammation of the larynx resulting form infection or irritation. septum that is abnmormally far from the missagittal plane. Older Children
Seeker of Knowledge genre of the story. one who tries to find. anythign that connects with a loop. to make known;reveal;expose. victory; succes. Older Children
Sensation and Perception 2 Number of sound waves per second. the height of a sound wave. A snail shaped tube in the ear. Process of sorting through sensations and selecting some for further processing. slightly different retinal image. Big
Sensations This sense gives us feedback about the position and orientation of specific body parts. Receptors in our muscles and joints send information to our brain about our limbs.. Theory that states that the hair cells in the cochela respond to different frequencies of sound based on where they are located in the cochela. Created by Helmholtz. . Refers to the length of the waves and determines pitch, measured in megahurtz.. Determines the height of the wave and the loudness of the sound, which is measured in decibels. . Theory that states lower tones are sensed by the rate at which the cells fire. Demonstrates that the Place Theory accurately describes how hair cells sense the upper range of pitches but not the lower tones. . Adult
Single Cells The process by which a cell releases the contents of a vacuole through the cell membrane. A member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms that have cell walls but do not have organelles. Organism that consists of one cell. Any organism whose cells contain a nucleus and any other structures enclosed within the membrane. Holds DNA. Hard
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