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Body Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Urinary System Complete the crossword An involuntary sphincter that keeps the urethra closed when urine is not being passed.. A non-selective, passive process in which fluid passes from the blood into the glomerular capsule part of the renal tubule.. Hormone that helps to regulate blood composition and blood volume by acting on the kidney.. The arterial supply of each kidney.. A knot of coiled capillaries in the kidney; forms filtrate.. Hard
Urinary System formation of an abnormal passageway connecting the bladder to the vagina. hernia in which the bladder bulges through a weakness in the muscular wall of the vagina or rectum. complication that develops following an acute infection with streptococcal bacteria or with viruses. inflammation in the renal pelvis of the kidney. absence of urine production by the kidneys because of acute or chronic renal failure. Hard
Vision Screening near-sightedness. tear or key hole shaped pupil, developmental defect of the iris. Far sightedness. downward deviation of the eye, 3rd nerve palsy. uncontrolled rhythmic eye movement. Hard
Visual Physiology distant images will be blurry, 'nearsighted'. distant images will be in focus, 'farsighted'. daily pattern of activity. send information on presence or absence of photons to CNS. what visual pigments derive from. Hard
Vital Signs When your body makes more heat than it can lose.. A difficult vital to measure, must be 12-16 per minute.. Vital sign that is of particular concern for people with diabetes.. When measuring blood pressure, the name of the artery in the arm that the cuff is securely fastened around.. Vital signs are measured to monitor health, look for disease and check on ____ in recovery or treatment.. Big
Wounds Dead, devitalized (necrotic) tissue can delay healing. Slough and eschar are the 2 types of necrotic tissue that may appear in a wound. Slough is moist, loose, stringy necrotic tissue that is typically yellow. Eschar, which appears as dry, thick, lea. Suppression of the immune system by disease, medication, or age can delay wound healing. Radiation therapy can cause ulceration or change in the skin; either immediately after a treatment or after all treatment has ended.. these decrease the strength of the scar and increase the risk of developing a hematoma.. impedes the transformation of monocytes into macrophages. a collagenase enzyme applied to necrotic tissue areas . Very Difficult
Your Ears something that has chemicals that fight off infections. main job is to take those sound waves and turn them into vibrations that are delivered to the inner ear. what is the cochlea filled with?. the malleus, incus and stapes all can fit on what. your ears help keep your. Older Children
Your Sense Organs body parts with special jobs. sense organ that can smell. may cause harm. pathways. avoid injury. Big
Zephyrous Bodily Systems This type of muscle you cannot control. Protects your lungs from getting food. Located in the pelvis between the pelvic bones. What comes in must come out. After the decomposition of your body only this remains of you. Hard
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