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Body Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Human Nervous System Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue. Words are all from Day 1 lecture. Artery that supplies Basilar artery. Thin meningeal layer closest to the central nervous system. Connection between blood vessels. vascular layer of meninges. This thick meningeal layer ends at the S2 vertebral level. Hard
Human Skeletal System Prevents the bones rubbing together in the joint. Type of joint in the elbow. Bone making up the lower jaw. Type of joint in the neck. Last four fused verterbrae. Hard
Human Skeleton a cage made of bones that protects the heart, lungs and liver. the place where two bones meet. the soft spongy tissue on the inside of the bone. adults have 206 bones that make up this. the bone in the upper part of your leg or the thigh. Older Children
Immune System also known as white blood cells. cells that chew up invading organisms. organ that filters foreign matter from the blood and lymph. turns white blood cells into T-cells. white blood cell that produces antibodies. Big
Immune System These blood cells fight infection. These organisms get their nutrition from plants, animals, and people, and live in damp, warm places. They can cause athlete's foot.. Babies are born with this gland that produces T-cells, a type of white blood cell that kills germs.. This organ, in my upper left abdomen, keeps my blood clean and ready to fight germs by removing old blood cells from my blood.. Living things that cause disease and are so small you need to see them with a microscope.. Big
Integumentary System By using the hint or clues, you can find the hidden words in the crossword puzzle. Produces keratin cells that make up the nail plate. A type of protein found in the skin, hair, and nails. Produces hair. Is a layer of fat and connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels and nerves. Is enclosed within a hair follicle. Hard
Integumentary System hair develops from this structure. absence of normal pigmentation. secondary hairs make up this . layer with closely packed clear cells. inner thicker layer of skin . Hard
Integumentary system sweat glands. basal cell carcinoma. inflammation of the skin. corium or true skin. component of the system found on the surface of the body. Hard
Integumentary System part of hair that is in the dermis. produces oil that keeps the skin and hair from drying out. person who is unable to produce melanin. part of hair that you can see. The main skin pigment. It helps protect the skin from the UV light from the sun. Hard
Integumentary System Fibrinogen în stare solidă. Partea lichidă a sângelui. Substanţe de natură proteică care distrug sau inactivează bacteriile și proteinele eterogene. Celulele sangvine suspendate în plasma. Legătură chimică nestabilă a Hemoglobinei cu bioxidul de carbon (CO2). Older Children
Internal Parts Use the clues to complete the puzzle I am the system that breaks down food into nutrients for use by the body. I am the system that includes the brain. I am the system that helps animals make more of their kind. I support the organs and tissues of the body. _______line is a special sensory organ of fish. Big
Joint Movement Analysis knee cap. wrist joint. lower back, bottom part of vertebrae. thumb joint. knee, elbow and ankle. Big
Joints Joint where the rounded end of one bone fits into a ring that is formed by another bone plus an encircling ligament. Movement occurs around two axes. Where the rigid elements of the skeleton meet. Allows movement around one axis only. Moving an elevated part inferiorly. Big
Joints Use the hints to complete the crossword. name of the end of the big toe joint. a term referring to a disease involving muscle or joint pain. . name of hip bone joint. the seams in between skull bones. name of the upper knee joint. Very Difficult
Joints Radius and Ulna are parallel . Prevents crushing of bone ends. Increase joint angle . Reduce friction where ligaments, muscles, skin, tendons, or bones rub together. Most limb joints and most joints of the body fall into this category . Hard
Joints turning of a around its own long axis. turning backwards (radius and ulnar are parallel). point mandible forward. reverse of bending movement along the sagittal plane, (increase the angle). slightly movable joints. Very Difficult
Joints Plane joint between the patella and the lower end of the femur. . Caused by bacteria transmitted by tick bites. . Angular movement that increases the joint angle. . Slightly movable joints.. sacs lined with synovial membrane.. Very Difficult
Kidney the highest point, tip . any of the small tubules that are the excretory units of the vertebrate kidney . an artery originating from the abdominal aorta and supplying the kidneys and adrenal glands and ureters . a smooth transparent membrane the adheres tightly to the external aspect of the kidney, outside layer; connective tissue keeping substances inside. . small network of capillaries encased in the upper end of a nephron; where the filtration of blood takes place . Hard
Leg and Foot Bones Most lateral bone of the distal row in tarsal bones . Longest bone in the body. Extensor digitorum longus distally attaches here to allow extension of:. Medial bone of the lower leg. Link together the distal heads of bones at the metatarsophalangeal joints. . Big
Looking Inside Bone Common type of bone cell. Dense type of bone tissue. Space found in center of long bones. Used for fat storage. Inner lining of cavity of a long bone. Hard
Lung Meriidian What is its vegetable?. What is its smell?. What is it's emotion?. What is its indicator?. What is an indicator for the last point?. Hard
Lymph System kidney-shaped organ of the lymphatic system. removes aging red blood cells from circulation and recycles them. endocrine gland located in the chest . valved structures that carry lymph. drains lymph from the upper right side of the body . Hard
Lymph System a colorless fluid containing white blood cells, which bathes the tissues and drains through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.. organized lymphoid follicles, named after the 17th-century Swiss anatomist Johann Conrad Peyer.. the components of the circulatory system that transport blood throughout the human body.. a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system.. anatomical term for the central part or core of many animal bodies which extend the neck and limbs from.. Big
Lymphatic system A protein produced by our body's cells that are infected with viruses. What factor of immunity are these:Intact skin,Mucus, Hairs, Epiglottis and Flow of urine.. A Chemical Factor of immunity. This Cisterna receives lymph from the legs and abdominal viscera. Invading bacteria or viruses are called this. Hard
Lymphatic System Concentrations of lymphoid tissue that aren’t surrounded by a capsule.. Part of the lymph nodes cleans lymph and alerts the immune system to pathogens.. Filters lymph. Where B cells mature.. Cleanses the blood of cellular debris and bacteria.. Hard
Lymphatic System An organized collection of lymphoid tissue, through which the lymph passes on its way back to the blood. Organ which produce blood cells during fetal life. Increases in size from birth in response to postnatal antigen stimulation, then to puberty and regresses thereafter.. The fluid that circulates throughout the lymphatic system. The thymus, spleen, tonsils, and appendix. Older Children
Lymphatic System pinhead to almond sized filtering collections within the lymphatic system. organ that destroys old erythrocytes,and leukocytes and stores new erythrocytes. gland that atrophies after puberty, also part of the endocrine system. returns lymph and cholesterol to circulation from the left head, face, arm chest and rest of body via the left subclavian vein. watery fluid found in the lymphatic vessels. Big
Lymphatic System tissue grafts harvested from a different animal species. a systemic disease that ocurrs mainly in young women and affects the kidneys, heart, lungs and skin. example would be skin contact reaction with poison ivy. tissue transplanted from one site to another in the same person. severe inpairment of kidney function. Hard
Lympthatic System a soft, bilobed structure enclosed in a connective tissue capsule and located anterior to the aorta and posterior to the upper part of sternum. thick fluid caused by bacteria infections . a disease-causing agent. prevent entry of some infectious agents. mass of lymphoid tissue. Hard
Made For You Complete this crossword using the clues from the book- Made for you Which victim was friends with the killer. What is Eva's favourite TV Show?. Who is the killer. Author of the book. Who was the person the killer locked in the car truck. Big
Main muscles in the body complet the cross word In the front of the leg area . In the stomach area. In the back of the arm area. In the neck area. In the chest area. Older Children
Major Bones of the Body Protects many vital organs. Has many bones fused together to protect the brain. Collarbone. The longest bone of the body. Fingers and toes. Older Children
Make A Brain use each definition as a key to each word receives sensory information such as sounds and speech. involved in sensory and motor signal relay and the regulation of consciousness and sleep. region of the brain concerned with the comprehension of language. responsible for higher brain functions-voluntary movement, coordination of sensory information, learning, memory, and the expression of individuality. joins the two hemispheres of the brain. Hard
Male and Female Anatomy Composed of sperm cells and secretions from seminal vesicle and prostate glands. Monthly sloughing off of the uterine lining. Removal of the clitoral hood. Outer, spongy layer of penis. Stage at which menstrual cycle stops. Hard
Male Reproduction When the testes do not drop in the scrotum, this is called. This penis type has no sigmoid flexure but is on a stallion, primates, dog, and cat . This type of penis is on bulls,rams, and boars. This is the network of testicular arteries and veins . This type of castration takes place by crushing the blood vessels around the testies . Big
Medical Terminology Removal of entire uterus. Difficulty in passing stools. Inlammation of the appendix. Inflamation of the urethra. After a meal. Hard
Memory the disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information. having to do with auditory stimuli. proposed that short-term memory can retain about seven information bits. the processing of information into the memory system. an increase in a cell's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation . Hard
Memory and Smell Carefully read each clue and complete the crossword word below. a strong feeling of wanting something very much, especially something that you know you may not be able to have. the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race. an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist. (of a written work) dealing with the writer's own life. emotionally disturbing or distressing / relating to or denoting physical injury . Hard
Metabolism and Energy pathway that supplies energy to build complex molecules from simple ones.. a chemical reaction that releases free energy. a chemical reaction that results in the release of energy.. the sum of all chemical reactions in a cell or organism. transfer of energy from one reaction to drive a second reaction. Big
Mitosis and Meiosis chromosomes line up in middle of cell. chromatids seperate and pulled to opposite side of cell. cells with a pair of every chromosome. made up of compacted chromatin. involves only one parent. Hard
Motor Development program that provides certain types of play that are believed to be essential for development but are not readily available at home . period in which we produce movement via an impulse from the higher brain centers. one of America's fastest growing sports. most widely accepted assessment procedure for determining stage of maturation. majority of people who are coaching youth sports, they lack the necessary preparation to coach. Hard
Movements At a Joint The swivelling of a joint/ bone moves freely around in a curve. . Decreasing an angle between two bones . Movement at ankle where toes are pointed towards the ground . Movement at the ankle where toes are pulled towards the knee. Movement of limb towards the midline of body. Older Children
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh To get the meaning (page 44). Generally flat or unruffled, not rough (page 16). An agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil (page 30). Having the attention or curiosity engaged. Moving or acting with a great speed ( page 18). Young Kids
Muscle Thigh. Stomach. Back of upper arm. Upper back / neck. Calf. Hard
Muscle Group Complete crossword alone on an island or single skeletal joint moving. meaning the back side. help perform trunk rotational movement of the body. meaning “to the side”. Rectus _______ or Biceps ________ refers to the large leg bone from the knee to the hip. Hard
Muscle Groups alone on an island or single skeletal joint moving. what the glutes do to lift a leg behind you. meaning the back side. meaning 'to the side'. prefix meaning 'to come before' - indicates the front side of the body. Hard
Muscle Types and Tissue Human muscular system Only found in the heart, this muscle never tires despite continual contractions. This involuntary type of muscle tissue is found internally, like in the digestive system. Skeletal muscles are this type of tissue meaning striped because of their appearance. A type of muscle that is controlled by the central nervous system without conscious thought. Connective tissue that connects bone to bone. Hard
Muscles the heart is a .............. muscle. muscles are made up of.......... an increase in heart rate ensures that this is carried to the muscles. when a muscle returns to it's normal length. the colour of slow twitch fibres. Teenage
Muscles Promotes the growth of muscle tissue. Located on the wall of the hear; contain striations; involuntary. Involuntary; smooth texture; in stomach, intestine, urinary bladder, etc.. Muscles are lean; use oxygen to create energy; has strong endurance. Thicker and stronger; contract very quickly; tire out very easily. Older Children
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