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Movies Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
War Horse a tool or a tractor to help farm fields. worn out, torn to shreds, dirty. the posture and way of your walking paseing etc.... small, tiny. a very close friend or family relationship. Older Children
War Horse Who took Joey after the Army?. In the beginning, what did Joey's owner tie around his neck, damaging his skin and hair?. What was the name of the Sergeant who worked with Joey?. What is the book called?. Who was the opposite team?. Older Children
War Horse What did Albert work as in the Army?. Who took Joey after the Army?. In the beginning, what did Joey's owner tie around his neck, damaging his skin and fur?. What was the Sergeant's name who worked with Joey?. What is the book called?. Hard
Wizard Of Oz Complete the cross word below. Who does Dorothys house kill. Dorothys house gets picked up . Person picked up by the cyclone. Owned by richest munchkin. Has no brains. Hard
Wonder Type of helmet given to Auggie. Girl that gave Auggie a school tour. English teacher's last name. Jack's last name. Movie played at Broarwood . Big
Wonder No spaces Witch group does Jack want to hang out with?. What clue Via gave Jack?. when Jack said rude words?. Who August takes a friend?. Witch peephole does Via look at August?. Big
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