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Literature And Writing Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Romantic Poets Writer of Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Blake's inspiration for his poems. Famous writings of John Keats. Poem written by Coleridge. Wrote The World is too Much With Us. Hard
Romeo & Juliet Hotheaded. kind but doesn’t like to get to the point of what she wants to say. Asks Lord Capulet to Marry Juliet. a person who in our day can arrest people. of the Capulets. Hard
Romeo & Juliet Complete the crossword puzzle main lovers in the play. Juliet's cousin . Romeo's bestfriend. Enemies. Romeo's Father. Older Children
Romeo and Juliet Juliets suitor, and planned future husband. Juliet's cousin, killed by romeo. Juliet's friend and servant, mother figure. killed by tybalt. to bury. Hard
Romeo and Juliet Causing great injury or ruin. Awkward; clumsy. Changeable. Worthless; cheap. Spiders. Big
Romeo and Juliet Irreligious.. Destructive.. When you put hot metal in water to toughen it it is called... Brown color of a mouse.. Foolish.. Hard
Romeo and Juliet the nephew of Lady Capulet. He has a bad temper and likes to fight. the man that has asked for Juliets hand in marriage. raised Juliet after the death of her daughter, very talkative. romeo's friend that makes comments at other characters and is funny. the father of romeo. Older Children
Romeo and Juliet Who did Capulet want Juliet to marry?. Who killed Mercutio?. Who told Juliet she should marry Paris, aside from Lady Capulet?. Who wrote this play?. What day did Romeo and Juliet get married?. Big
Romeo and Juliet soon after Romeo and Juliet meet they plan to get _______. what family does Romeo belong to. which family does Juliet belong to. what does the prince say is the punishment for fighting in the streets. who makes the plan and gives Juliet the sleeping potion. Very Difficult
Romeo and Juliet What Act 4 is usually called in Shakespeare's tragedies . Romeo's best friend . The Saint the Friar mentions when he talks to Romeo about his change in love . What Romeo and Juliets death cause the fueding families to make . What Romeo says he loves Juliet by, but is told by Juliet to not say that becuase it is inconsistent . Very Difficult
Romeo and Juliet Terms Use the clues to help you solve this crossword puzzle. an insulting gesture. harmonious feature. sorrow. renounced an oath; promised to give up. good evening. Older Children
Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary to encircle or surround. loyalty. chat. a mournful song. lacking intelligence or taste. Hard
Romeo and juliet1 deadly. temperment. brave. enter without permission. long, slender sword. Hard
Salman Rushdie in 2012 he became an author to embrace__________. this was rushdie's secret alias.. he married ________ times. rushdie's first career was as a____________. mass demonstrations againt rushdie's knighthood took place in pakistan and ___________.. Hard
Sarah Plain and Tall Vocabulary one who wanders around everywhere. to fly in a circular course. move with soft fluttering or crackling sound. to treat rudely or meanly. rough to the touch. Older Children
Science Fiction a mysterious part of you in which is not the body, the soul. to cause to happen by strength or compulsion. very catious; on guard, watchful. a group of billiopns of stars held together by mutual gravitation. using the very great power made by spliting an atom or joining atoms in nuclear fission. Hard
Sea Lullaby Dull or discolored. Hard glossy coating. An animal taken for food. A loose outer garment. Boards. Hard
Secret Garden: About the Author The title about the story of the girl that attends boarding school. How many dollars was her first book sold?. What the author wrote about in her childhood years?. City where the author was born. The book has been performed as a Broadway_____________.. Teenage
Sentence Types 'Despite the blinding snow, the freezing temperatures, and the heightened threat of polar bears, the team continued.'. 'Bring me a glass of water.'. 'You go to sleep at 9, don't you?'. 'Her moving wings ignited like tissue paper, enlarging the circle of light in the clearing.'. 'I like cheeseburgers!'. Older Children
Shakespeare Shakespeare's first name is _______.. A humorous play is called a ______.. _______ is a play which involves witches.. Shakespeare was a __________.. Shakespeare was born in _________-Upon-Avon. Older Children
Shakespeare Shakespeare's second brother.. One of the twins. H_____. Shakespeare's first name.. Shakespeare's sister that died at age seven.. Shakespeare's mother.. Older Children
Shakespeare Can you find the answers to the clues? Birthplace. Magician. Mad king. King of Naples. King of Scotland. Hard
Shakespeare his name . diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength. Henry IV, Part 1. 1598.. tale of a king who bequeaths his power and land to two of his three daughters, after they declare their love for him in a fawning and obsequious manner. His third daughter gets nothing, because she will not flatter him as her sisters had done. causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort. Romeo & Juliet. 1599. imaginary or illusory. Macbeth. 1623. Hard
Shakespeare's Life Shakespeare's Mother.. There are later supposed versions of this play but little is known of the original.. A maker, worker, and seller of leather goods such as purses, belts, and gloves.. Shakespeare's first daughter.. Where Shakespeare was babtized. (2 words). Teenage
Shakespeare's Plays Complete Shakespeare's crossword of plays Written 1605. Written between 1590 - 1593. It is my longest play written with 30,557 words. Written 1611. Written 1604. Older Children
Shakespeare's Sonnets The name of Shakespeare's birthplace. The number of lines in a stanza. . The last two lines of a sonnet. Shakespeare's nick name. The 'paragraphs' in poetry.. Big
Sherlock Holmes- The Engineer's Thumb . go left is a _______. stretched arm and hand. fake money. belief or judgement. on fire. Teenage
Short Story a clue or hint given to a reader about what is to come in the story. the turning point in a story when the central problem or conflict is most intense or exciting. the message about life or human nature that is the focus in the story the writer tells. action and events in the story that help resolve the conflict and bring the story to a close. when the conflict is fully resolved and the story comes to a satisfying end . Big
Short Story Giving hints on what will happen later in the story. Readers know more than the characters do. Uncertain of an outcome. Object that stands for something else. Giving human qualities to non-human things. Big
Short Story Elements conflict that takes place within the mind of a character. central message or insight about life . shows events from before the present of the story. an intended contradiction between . the narrator uses the pronouns I, me, and my. Older Children
Short Story Elements the highest point of a story. character that shows varied or contradictory traits. character that develops and changes. action that occurs after the climax. contrast between appearance or reality. Big
Short Story Elements The struggle which is the basis of every story ever written. The arrangement of a series of incidents or situations that add to the complexity of the story. . The feeling aroused in a reader by the events in a story. Any one of the persons in the story. The setting is the time and place in which the story takes place. Big
Short Story Motivation This is the highest point of interest and turning point of the story. It is the controlling idea or the central insight of the story. Essential part of a plot that is the beginning of the story. Element of a literary piece that takes part of the action. The systematic chain of events in a story. Big
Short Story Terms Use the clues to find the words A comparison that uses like or as. Where the story takes place. The type of narration used to tell the story. The narrator is telling the story from the outside and is not a character in it. Giving human qualities to an inanimate object. Moderately Challenging
Short Story Terms The character is in conflict with the natural world. Character versus __________. The character struggles with a force outside of himself or herself.. The 'explosion' that sets the plot in motion and sets up conflict.. The state of being anxious or curious about the outcome of the story. (grade 10). The most suspenseful moment in the story.. Big
Short Story Terms and Devices Pictures produced by an imaging system. a biting or insightful kind of humor. The technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group. a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. a story about human events or actions that has not been proved nor documented in real history.. Hard
Short Story Theory This conflict happens within the character.. The hints and clues provided by the author that suggests the outcome of the story.. This point of view has the narrator share the story as if he/she were holding a camcorder.. This conflict happens due to an outside force such another character, the environment, fate, etc.. Max is a pig when he eats his dinner. What figurative language am I?. Big
Similes, Metaphors, and Personification Determine the answer for each number down and across. Fill in the answers into the boxes in the crossword that corresponds to the number. The answer must fit correctly into the corresponding number of boxes given in the crossword. A figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared without the use of like or as. . 'The stars dance in the night sky' is an example of figurative language technique?. 'The trees were begging for water.' What is being personified in this sentence?. A figure of speech in which two unlike things are being compared using the words 'like' or 'as'. . In the sentence, 'That car is a boat', how many things are being compared?. Teenage
Skills to Know put the skill that matches the example that has the clue in it this skill is your own personal belief and can change all the time no proof needed. this skill may ask you about the solution to the conflict. this skill uses words such as unlike disimilar different. this skill asks you to make a gues as to what might happen next or probably happen. this skill asks you to find what the passage or paragraph is mostly about. Big
Song of Roland The Kings nephew. Where is Paris located?. The belief of more than one God. Who is the King of France?. The country France was fighting. Big
Sonnet Act of interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text, usually involves close reading and special attention to figurative language.. A word, phrase, line, or group of lines that is repeated, for effect, several times in a poem.. Unrhymed iambic pentameter verse . A lyric poem of 14 lines, commonly written in iambic pentameter.. A poem consisting of four lines, or four lines of a poem that can be considered as a unit. Older Children
Sonnets Type of meter a sonnet must be written in. Number of syllables in a line. Type of sonnet that has abbaabba cdecde rhyme scheme. Group that consists of eight lines. Change from one tone in a sonnet to another. Big
Sophocles There are _____ plays that remain in tact that Sophocles wrote.. The last in the Oedipus Trilogy.. Sophocles broke the tradition of only using ______ actors.. Besides writing plays Sophocles was also a _______.. The three plays written about Oedipus and his children.. Hard
Speech anything that establishes a fact or gives us a reason to believe something. Type of inductive reasoning, drawing a conclusion based on physical evidence. Type of inductive reasoning, an illustration in which the characteristics of a familiar object or event are used to describe the characteristics of a less familiar object or event . errors in reasoning or mistaken beliefs. Uses a specific case to get to the general truth. Teenage
Story Elements genre in which you read about a person's life written by themselves. comparing two unlike things without using the words like or as. a type of narration where the narrator makes you a part of the story and uses the pronouns you and your. the author's purpose for writing a politica speech or an ad in a newspaper. the part of a story when teh conflict gets resolved or fixed. Hard
Story Elements the problem in the story. the beginning, middle, and end. this is who will solve the problem the story is centered upon. the surroundings of the story. the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution are called _______________. Easy
Story Elements the events that make up a story. the people, animals, and other individuals in a story. the emotion created in the reader by part or all of the story.. the author's attitude toward the subject of a story, a character, or towards the audience. the time and place a story takes place.. Easy
Structure Something that makes you feel nervous, anxious, or uncomfortable.. A group of words put together to create meaning, usually ending with a full stop. . The first part of a story.. The last part of a story.. A hint that something is going to happen later in the story.. Big
Superheroes Named after Renaissance Artist: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael. 'Have no fear _____________ is here!'. She later defected to the United States, becoming an agent of the fictional spy agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and a member of the superhero team the Avengers.. Mutants, a subspecies of humans who are born with superhuman abilities; they fight for peace and equality between normal humans and mutants.. Dynamic Duo. Big
Sylivia Plath Disorder Plath struggled with most of her life. Plath's husband, fellow poet. Plath's place of birth. Awarded Pulitzer Prize for this work in 1982. The formation of a word by imitation of a sound made by its referent . Hard
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