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Society Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
10 Qualities of A Lousy Leader Descriptions take responsibility for actions and mistakes. prideful. is not neat. not able to do what you promise. does not inspire others to follow. Big
10 Qualities That Make A Great Leader Descriptions tries to see the good in any situation. understands easily how things work and how to solve problems. believes in his or her ability to succeed. able to give part of the work to others. will keep working until the job is finished. Big
10 rules for dealing with the police ...'Un___________________ search and seizures shall not be tolerated..'. Aggressive behavior/movements may result in the use of a '_____' or other weapons.. When asked for your I.D. and not _______, ask: 'Officer, am I free to go?'. Don't get tricked into waiving your _______.. ...'You have the right to remain ______...'. Very Difficult
25 Famous Nurses in History Complete the puzzle below. AKA Soujourner Truth; served as nurse in the Union Party in the Civil War (1797 to 1883). World War I Combat Nursing (1885 to 1918). International Council of Nurses’ First Full Time Executive Secretary (1887 to 1979). An Egalitarian, it was the Civil War that brought him from being a journalist, teacher and poet into the nursing profession (1819 to 1892). Belgium’s Nursing Pioneer & Nurse Hero (1865 to 1915). Hard
Abilities voice. roller. drawing. mountain. salsa. Simple
Abolitionism Cross- Word Having equal rights regardless of race or gender.. Somebody practically owned by another person, however they are payed.. One bound in servitude to a person or family.. Region of the U.S. that is pro-slavery.. Famous person to oppose slavery, whom went on to become president.. Older Children
Adjectives Describing Character Put in the adjectives describing these people. He never believes he will win, and always worries about the future.. He does nothing but lie in front of the TV.. She always says 'Please' and 'Thank you'.. Everything in his room is always in the right place.. She always makes up stories to tell her children and can always think of new ideas.. Big
Adlerian Theory Complete the crossword puzzle using the given clues. counselor helps the client tell his or her life story as completely as possible. the concepts about self, others, and life that constitute philosophy on which an individual's life is based.. whole life (family, goals, culture etc). feeling of being connected to all humanity(past, present, future) and making world a better place. connecting themes and rules of iteraction that give meaning to our actions (perception of self, others and world). Hard
Adulthood & Old Age What is the third stage in the five stages of dying?. A collective term that describes conditions characterized by memory loss, forgetfulness, disorientation of time and place, etc.. Women typically experience psychological and biological changes between the ages of 45 to 50.. Intelligence that refers to the ability to use accumulated knowledge and learning in appropriate situations.. Intelligence that refers to the ability to solve abstract relational problems and to generate new questions.. Hard
African American Inventors He improved elevator safety by making automatic doors.. Her hair growing lotion and beauty product line for African American women made her very wealthy.. He made really small microphones that we still use today.. He brought innovations in agriculture in the south.. He improved the pacemaker and made electronic control devices.. Hard
African Americans Named the National League's rookie of the year. First af woman to win a grand slam. Winner of 4 Olympic gold medals. Many of her essays are collected in Living by the Word. Best known as an acclaimed photographer. Hard
African Ethnic Groups legend important to the Ashanti people. has over 650 different dialects of language. live mainly in Northern Africa. this ethnic group lives in Western Africa (Ghana and Ivory Coast). a community of people sharing a common culture, ancestry, customs and language. Hard
Airliners India airlines. Americas other big airlines (not United). Australia's biggest airlines. Americas biggest international airlines. Thailand's biggest airline . Hard
Alcohol and You A short term effect of alcohol is slurred s________.. V___________ can be a short term effect of drinking alcohol.. What organ in the body processes alcohol?. The penalty for public drinking is a $2000 f____.. Premix drinks are also known as RTD. What does this stand for?. Teenage
American Culture If something is funny, people will ______.. When people are happy, they ______.. Throw rubbish / trash on the ground.. If you bump into a person, you should say I'm ____.. Hi, how are you? I'm ____.. Older Children
American Indian the way of transporting people at the time. cows, bulls and calves. the money you get when you catch an outlaw. a very long gun. the first person to discover a place. Big
Ancient Civilizations The way in which people apply knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs. To do without doing. A city and its surrounding land functioning as an independent country. Period of Roman peace. Belief in MANY gods. Very Difficult
Ancient Civilizations God is all powerful.. he built an Ark, and God saved his family. the first man God created. the number of days and nights of the flood. the Tower of Babel may have been one of these. Big
Anthroplology Fill in the words accross or down based on your clues The invention and development of tools. Norm established/enforced by government. Custom of politeness . WAY OF LIFE!. Serious moral judgment against offenders. Hard
APA Starts here before going to Nationals. _ _ _. Defensive move. _ _. To start a match. _. Hard
Appearance Does she ____ glasses?. A sick person will lose his hair, so he's ______ bald now. He is ____ height. A type of hair. Jenny's _____ long brown hair. Older Children
Archetype Find the words by matching the definitions. searches for answers, truth, adventure, a better life. is the object of discrimination, cruelty, or other situation. one that bears the blame for others. one who resists or defies authority. fights for rights or beliefs. Older Children
Arnold Gesell What did Arnold use for his study?. ______ is influenced by factors. the name of his invention. He was the _____ of Child Developement. He decided to become a _____. Big
Asylum Seekers and Refugees Government approval for people to enter, stay, work or study in a country. A person who has fled their homeland because of persecution. A time when a difficult or important decision must be made. Over 80% of the world's refugees are women and ____. Asylum seekers who arrive without papers are often placed in ____. Big
Athabascan Amount of Voyages of exploration and mapping Russians took. Having or showing a wish to do evil to others. 'Wealthy Man'. Only Athabascan group to live by the ocean along the shores of Cook Inlet. Athabascans are also known as. Big
Attitude Towards Other People even-tempered . upset and angry because someone that you love seems interested in another person. telling the truth. not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done. can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect. Hard
Baby Shower baby will do a lot of this, especially when he is hungry. if you are not going to breastfeed, you will be buying this. helps keep baby clean when he eats. this lasts for 9 months. baby will enjoy going up and down in this. Very Difficult
Baby Shower Used to clean baby. Noise maker. Month of the year Georgia is due. Soothing tool. These need to be changed often. Big
Backwards Day ____________ upside down cake is the cake of this day.. On this day you may want to eat your _____________ before your dinner.. This artist must have had dyslexia; he wrote from right to left and wrote his letters backwards.. Celebrated on the 31 day of this month.. On this day you try to do everything _______________.. Older Children
Bad Hair Day Finn's hair wasn't straight and it wasn't -----.. Finn's sister. Finn looked like this in the morning. Mum's real hair colour. Finn was not this.. Older Children
Bantu The last special worker is a ______(s). Bantu peoples ______(ed) across the entire continent, but from the Sahara back up to North Africa. One special worker works with crops. Chiefs are choose by ________. Another special worker works with fish. Hard
Beauty Treatment Find the words tool for cutting hair that has two sharp blades with handles. a long thin mark or line that is a different colour from the surface it is on. substances used especially by women to make their faces look more attractive. a small tool with two long thin parts joined together at one end, used for pulling out hair. to form or make something form into a curved shape. Teenage
Bedtime Stories Night Noises. An Enchanted Evening. Go To Sleep, Abu!. The Monster In The Dark. Just The Way I Like It!. Moderately Challenging
Behavior Rules or standards of behavior identifying which behaviors are considered appropriate. You and others are closely connected ,are attracted to one another, and depend on one another to meet your needs. Norms that regulate a particular group member's behavior. Kind of small group. Each member delivers a prepared presentation much like a public speech . Older Children
Behavior taking of food or water into digestive tract. sensory inspection of the environment. result of seeing affection or protection. giving and care and attention . all acts associated with the ultimate fertilization process. Hard
Behaviorism _______ reinforcement is a positive stimulus to reinforce a behavior. occurs after a behavior and reduces the likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future. range of actions made by organisms in response to their environment. Genetics that, according to Skinner, don't influence behavior. Theory that human and animal behavior can be explained by conditioning without regard to thought. Hard
Behaviour Court finds you have committed an offence . How we behave ......................... other people . When one has to pay money because of bad behaviour it is called a .... Opposite to wrong. We must be good ................................to our children to show them right.. Big
Behaviour Management Techniques guidance approach to discipline. guiding child to another appropriate activity, change circumstances or environment. should only be used if child in danger of hurting themselves or others. less stimulating area to play on their own, strategy used to help child who has difficulty playing with others. removal of attention replaced by positive behaviours, use only when appropriate. Older Children
Behavioural therapy One way behaviour is learnt [12]. What may reinforce problematic behaviours? [8,11]. Who was the experimentor who conditoned dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell? [6]. One method of investigation [11]. Another method of investigation [6,7]. Big
Benefits Of City Living _________ included plays and sports such as baseball and basketball , the opera house , and such as the arts (paintings / sculptures).. One who watches an event . A horse drawn or electric carriage that rides on rails and is used is for transportation. Workers would travel several miles using public ______ to get to their job.. A carriage to the rides on rail and is used for transportation. Older Children
Bicycle Safety Has two wheels and is a fun way to pedal around town.. A white ______ is needed on the front of your bike at night or in low light conditions.. A red rear __________ or light is important.. When ridding your bike inthe street it is best to act like a ____ and follow all traffic laws.. Remember to always wear your _____ to protect your head if you fall.. Older Children
Black Contributions to America Web Search Invented System Of Hair Straightening. Peanut Butter. Developed A System That Allowed Computers To Communicate With Printers And Other Devices. Refined Process of Evaporating Milk. Installed Wires On Telegraph,Worked With Samuel Morse. Big
Black Heritage Wife of Civil Rights Leader. Performed open heart surgery. Supreme Court Justice. First black millionaire. Invented Peanut Products. Big
Black History Month a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth. to decline to accept. a spring or source of water. freedom from the control of others. a means or system of transporting. Older Children
Black Panthers Match each word with their definition and complete the crossword puzzle. was the early leader of the BPP. the tool and management competency. a leader of the Communist Party USA. series of covert. ran for the Green Party presidential nomination. Adult
Boy Scout Law Courage to stand up for what is right, even if others laugh at him. Follows rules of family, school, community, troop. True to Family, Friends, Scout Leaders, school and Nation. Tells the truth. Body and Mind. Older Children
Boys and Girls Club History WHAT HAPPENED IN 1860. THIS HAPPENED IN 1990 WHEN CONGRESS AMENDED AND RENEWED CHARTER . In 1906 Clubs did this marking the start of a Nationwide movement. A regional director for west coast in 1950, who wrote the Club Code. Elizabeth Hammersley, Alice Goodwin, and Mary Goodwin started in circa 1900. Hard
Bruce Lee Complete the crossword puzzle below. This was the cause of Bruce Lee death.. Bruce's nationallity was ____.. This was the age that Bruce was before his death.. Bruce Lee had a trainer named ____.. Bruce Lee had a daughter named ____.. Hard
Buddhist Enlightened ones who return to Earth after death to help others. Good quality. A person who goes to another place to teach about religion. To calm or empty the mind by focusing on a single thought. A woman living in a religious community. Hard
Bullying When someone looks frightened by seeing or hearing about someone. How you feel when you know you did something wrong. Bullying on facebook, twitter, e-mail, texts, etc.. Marks that show someone has been physically abused. Someone who pushes others around wtih words, actions, or objects. Older Children
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