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Computer Hardware

  5   6                                  
              7                     8    
            10     11                      
    14   15                                
                17         18   19   20      
Across Down
1 the unit of measurement of the speed of a CPU
2 the kind of memory found in SD cards
4 the inventor of the mouse
5 A slot into which the RAM is plugged in a desktop computer
7 the brain of the computer
9 sound from the speaker
11 Modem
12 an electronic machine that can perform pre-programmed tasks
13 device that converts sound into digital signals
14 software that provides the basic functions of a hardware
16 component to which all devices are connected
17 basic component of the CPU
21 a tool that siphons heat from the CPU
1 part of the computer that can be seen
3 the kind of memory that can not be accessed directly by the CPU
6 also called the V.D.U.
8 A major CPU manufacturer
10 The true brain of the computer that directs its operations (Abbr.)
15 A kind of volatile memory
18 data given to a computer
19 a pointing device similar to the mouse
20 A component of the CPU
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