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Early Christian And Byzantine Design Crossword Puzzle

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Early Christian and Byzantine Design

              4 5                
        7     8                  
        9                   10    
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3 Curved end of a building, usually opposite the entrance.
4 Required a large pool of water for emersion.
6 A roof supported by columns to form a covering for an important object.
8 Vertical wall rising above adjacent rooflines, often with windows to let light into the building
9 Holy place separate from the nave
11 Memorial structure to commemorate an event or honor the dead.
12 Latin for spoils.
13 Vestibul across entry end of a basilica.
1 Projection of a building from the nave which gives it a latin cross form.
2 Circles behind the head on a depiction of an individual to indicate saintly status
5 Continuous walkway around the apse.
7 A typeof Roman structure used for legal proceedings and later used for Christian churches.
10 Screen separating sanctuary from the nave
13 where general assembly would congregate.
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