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Napolean Bonaparte Crossword Puzzle

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Napolean Bonaparte

              1               2   3                      
                    5                         6          
                14                                 15      
                    16   17               18                
Across Down
7 1815 opposing armies met in belgium
8 hit-and-run raids
9 burning crops, livestock, and villages
10 general leader in France
11 devotion and loyalty to one's country; patriotism
12 battle in 1805, british admiral smashed a french fleet
13 no country would be a threat to others
14 diplomats and heads of state sat down to face the tasks of restoring
16 britain remains outside of napoleon's europeon empire
1 agreement with the Pope , new realtionship between france and the church
2 sudden seizure in power
3 forcible closing of ports
4 louis xviii's reign make shift army was defeated
5 foreign minister of Austria
6 system of public schools
15 ballot in which voters say yes or no, no other suggestions
17 Napoleon's most lasting reforms, new law code
18 restoring hereditary monarchies that Napoleon has unseated
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