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Waves Crossword Puzzle

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                      3   4                                  
                6                         7     8            
                                            13               14
                15                               16   17        
        24   25         26                                      
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6 a wave that vibrates the medium in the same direction in which the wave travels
9 speed = wavelength x frequency
11 an area in which the coils are close together
12 the interaction between waves that meet
15 when two waves combine to form a wave with smaller amplitude than either original wave
19 a wave that appears to be upright in one place
21 when wave moves around a barrier or through an opening in a barrier, it bends and spreads out
22 an area where the coils are spread out
23 a wave that vibrates the medium at right angles, or perpendicular, to the direction in which the wave travels
24 a wave that separates two mediums
1 a repeated back and forth or up and down motion
2 points of maximum amplitude on a standing wave
3 low point of a wave
4 high point of a wave
5 waves combine to form a wave with a larger amplitude than any individual's wave amplitude
7 ability to do work
8 the maximum distance the medium vibrates from the rest position
9 material through which a wave travels
10 the distance between two corresponding parts of a wave
13 a wave that require a medium
14 the bending of waves due to a change in speed
16 the number of waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time
17 any part of a wave that cannot pass through the surface bounces back
18 what unit is used to measure frequency
20 points with zero amplitdue
24 how quickly a wave moves
25 an increase in the amplitude of a vibration that occurs when external vibrations match an object's natural frequency
26 a disturbance involving the transfer of energy
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