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Science Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Science Language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects passed from one generation to the next. Language, values, beliefs, traditions are examples. Man who founded conflict theory. Freud's term for our inborn drives for self-gratification. Disorientation from experiencing a different culture. Hard
science Vocab a sample matter,either a single element or a single compound, that has definte chemical and physical properties.. an element that has properties of both metals and nonmetals. a mixture in which particles of a material are more or less evenly dispersed throughout a liquid or gas. a mixture consisting of tiny particles that are intermediate in size between those in solutions and those in suspensions and that are suspended in a liquid solid or gas. n a solution, the substance that dissolves in the solvent. Hard
Science a conclusion drawn from data and observations. a possible answer to a question. a careful way of looking for something. an object or device used to perform a task. describes something that has length and width, but not height. Older Children
Science 10x10=100. 10x40=400. used to contoll amount of light shining through specimen. used for finer details. where you place specimen or slide. Hard
Science the hard rock that lies beneath all the soil layers. when liquid soaks into soil. the soil underneath the topsoil that hold most of the chemicals that drip down from the topsoil. the layer of soil that is mostly comprised of broken up rocks. the uppermost layer of soil that is formed from the organic material that lies on top of it. Older Children
Science Saving energy. Fuels formed millions of years ago by the remains of prehistoric plants and animals. using plant matter to generate electricity. Using the power of the wind to generate electricity. Using the power of the sun to create heat or electricity. Hard
Science melted rock above the crust. the breaking of a mineral breaking as smooth edges . formed by compation. the breaking of a mineral breaking as rough or jagged edges. the movment of continents over a long period of time. Older Children
Science Something we breath. All living things including plants and animals are made up of. Cells that are made into molcules. Is an element and a gas. Is anything that have a Volume or mass. Older Children
Science __ solution - A solution that contains a high amount of solute.. __ mixture - a mixture that is the same throughout.. A theory used to explain matter and heat transfer. It suggests that all matter is made up if tiny particles too small to be seen. These particles are constantly in motion because they have eneregy.. __ mixture - a heterogeneous mixture; in a mechanical mixture nat least two substances are visible.. Any solid, liquid, or gas that contains only one kind of particle throughout.. Hard
Science find the answer the special, normal, or proper activity of an organ or part. a group of similar cells that perform a common function. is a system of folded membranes in which proteins, lipids are made. the smallest unit that can perform all needs of life. a collection of tissues that carry a specialized function of the body. Hard
Science the upper part of the mantle. the crack of the Earth. The crust for the ocean. the study of Earth. a clue that proves there was Pangea. Hard
Science Theory that has never been proven false. Beryl that has a deep green color . Volcano that will probably never erupt again . Most famous measure of the earthquake strength, which rates earthquakes on a scale of 1 to 10. Well-known chemical sedimentary rock. Teenage
Science It lives in bumps. It is a small particle. We exhale this. We need it to live. Takes things in. Older Children
Science Finely pulverized lava erupted from a volcanoe. Large block of Earth's crust. Point at which the eathquake occurs at. Magma that has reached gthe Earth's surface. Second waves to arrive and cannot travel through liquid. Hard
Science Accessory organs include the liver, ___, and the gall bladder.. ___ digestion includes a series of actions whose purpose is to break down the chemical bonds in nutrients so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream.. ___ digestion includes tearing and grinding of the teeth. Chemical digestion is accomplished by the digestive ___. Sphincters are found at the ___ in the digestive system. Hard
Science a colored chemical compound that absorbs light. thread-like chromotin that condenses into rod structures. an organim that dose not make its own food. this means that some materials can pass through the membrane and others can not. the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo. Hard
Science push or pull. speed and direction of a moving body. surface that resist slidding. Distance and direction from a staring point. equal but oposite forces. Older Children
Science Processes by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it. Mineral that splits easily along flat surfaces. The look and feel of a rock's surface. Forms from the remains of plants and animals. Igneous rock formed from lava that erupted onto Earth's surface. Big
Science ranges and mountain systems in a long, connected chain form a larger unit called. The difference in elevation from one contour line to the next.. The different mountain ranges in a region make up a.... the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest parts of an area. On a topographic map, a heavier contour line that is labeled with elevation of that contour line in round units. Older Children
Science Process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind carrying it. Mineral that splits easily along flat surfaces. The look and feel of a rock's surface. Forms from the remains of plants and animals. Igneous rock formed from lava that erupted onto the Earth's surface. Hard
Science material before being processed or manufactured into a final form. . slightly salt; having a salty or briny flavor. . the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal.. a person who is loyal; a supporter of the sovereign or of the existing government, especially in time of revolt. . a popular name for a member of the Religious Society of Friends. . Very Difficult
Science A fluids resistance to flow. Matter with a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. The molecules pass each other but don't break. How much force gravity is pulling an object. The smallest unit of an element that still maintains the properties of that element . Energy is gained so the substance can change shape. Hard
Science Narrow belt of strong winds that blows near the top of the troposophere.. 78% of the earth's atmosophere.. Causes moving air and water to turn left in the southern hemisphere and turn right in the northern hemisphere due to earth's rotation.. Rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to the ground.. The region of the earth's atmosphere above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere.. Big
Science fossils of an organism that lived for a short period of time. gives off energy when burned. show elevation from a birds-eye view. helps and organism survive. outer layer of the earth. Older Children
Science find all the science words in the cross word puzzle a model that shows the path of energy from one living thing to the next. a living thing made up of one cell. the basic building block of living organisms. the basic frame work of the body. puffy,fair-weather clouds. Hard
Science The location where the rupture of an earthquake begins and energy is released. A hot liquid that comes out of a volcano. When two objects rub against each other . This attracts different types of metal to make it stick. Lobsters and Insects are examples of animals in a group. Big
Science Preserved evidence of a dead animal plant.They can be body parts or evidence of activity like tracks,burrows,nests,and teath marks. Coal,oil,and natural gas by the decay of dead organisms over millions of years. A group of complex molecues that contain carbon,hydrogen,oxygen,mitrogen,and usally sulfur. Waste of dead things. Animals or other living thing. Older Children
Science no definite shape or size; particles packed loosely together. the measureof the pull of gravity on an object. the smallest particle of matter that has properties of that matter. anything that has madd and takes up space. something that can be seen in matter. Older Children
Science a possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question. the science that focuses on earth and its location. `the process of making an inference, an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge. the process of using one or more of your senses to gather information. the process of forecasting what will happen in the future based on past experience and evidence . Big
Science A thing that represents or stands for something else. A system of ideas intended to explain something. Each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Henry Gwyn Jeffreys . A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Older Children
Science Same composition. Small Particle. Change in size or shape. Change in matter. Made of 2 or more elements. Big
Science Listen to all the clues to find the words is the molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption. is the uppermost layer of the oceanic portion of a tectonic plate. The crust overlies the solidified and uppermost layer of the mantle. is the rigid, outermost shell of a terrestrial-type planet or natural satellite. Part of the wall surface of the induction manifold of a petrol engine on which the mixture impinges; heated by exhaust gases or coolant water to assist vaporization and distribution Science Dictionary: What is HOT SPOT? definition of HOT SPOT (Scienc. is an underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonics. Hard
Science Is the hightof the crest and trough. is the process that powers the sum and the stars. a substance that does not readily allow the passage of heat or sound. Solid Liquid gas are _________ through which waves can travel. the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another . Older Children
Science pattern of weather that occurs in a particular area over a long period of time. time required for the Earth to orbit once around the sun. release or send out matter or energy. amount of light a star actually gives off; a measure of how bright a star would be if it were seen from a standard distance. forcing a bone out of joint. Older Children
Science Seismic wave that moves through the interior of the earth. An extended break in a body of rock, marked by the relative displacement and discontinuity of strata on either side of a particular surface. The boundary between the earth's crust and the underlying mantle. A wave vibrating in the direction of propagation. The Earth's point on earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. Older Children
Science magma that reaches Earth's surface. a property of minerals that tells the color of powder left behind when the mineral is scratched along a white or black tile. the way a mineral splits or breaks along flat surfaces. a type of rock that forms when sediments are pressed together in layers. rock whose form has been changed by heat or pressure. Older Children
Science Wegener's idea that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface . Dark rock with a fine texture. The uppermost part of the mantle and the crust together form a rigid layer. A measure of how much mass there is in a volume of a substance. The soft layer. Hard
Science Science study guide In physics, the number of crests of a wave that move past a given point in a given unit of time. The most common unit of _________ is the hertz (Hz), corresponding to one crest per second.. The resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion; this includes changes to its speed, direction, or state of rest.. Each of several hierarchical levels in an ecosystem, comprising organisms that share the same function in the food chain and the same nutritional relationship to the primary sources of energy.. In chemistry, the statement that when atoms combine to form molecules they generally each lose, gain, or share valence electrons until they attain or share eight; also called Lewis rule of eight. . An effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. On the earth, the effect tends to deflect moving objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and. Hard
Science This organ stores white blood cells and allows them to mature.. Some white blood cells that were made in the bone marrow finish developing here.. This organ is like a tiny sack.. A fluid that is leaked out the cardiovascular system. . A organ found in the neck, groin, and armpit.. Hard
Science A copy of an object formed at the point where light rays actually meet. . The angle a ray bounces off makes a line perpendicular to a surface it strikes. . A mirror with a flat surface.. The point at which rays parallel to the axis of a mirror or lens meet or appear to meet. . An eye condition in which distant objects are blurry.. Hard
Science Solve puzzle Breaking off of pieces of rocks that are parallel to the rocks surface. Natural process by which atmospheric and environmental agents disintegrate and decompose rocks. Break in the geologic record created when rock layers are eroded . Natural process by which sediments are layed down in new locations. Process of wearing away of the Earths surface by breaking down and carrying away soil, rock, or sediment. Older Children
Science Match words with the definition A breakable solid. How much air you have. How light something is. How heavy something is. Anything that has volume. Easy
Science an optical image formed from the apparent divergence of light rays from a point. the angle made by a reflected ray with a perpendicular to the reflecting surface.. a type of surface reflectance often described as a mirror-like reflection of light from the surface. a perpendicular line to its wavefronts. light that strikes an object. Older Children
Science Find the words flat expanses of ground covered with salt and other minerals. to add air or oxygen into a liquid.. is the material that lies above an area that lends itself to economical exploitation. the second step in most waste treatment systems during which bacteria consume the organic parts of the wastes. a combustion device to burn associated, unwanted or excess gases and liquids released during normal or unplanned over-pressuring operation in many industrial processes. Hard
Science Cells This covering protects the cell from its enviroment.. This organelle is found in large numbers in most cells and has a double membrane.. This universally accepted thing states that all organism are made up of cells and that all cells are made up of pre-existing cells.. Only allows certain molecules to enter and exit the cell.. This is mostly made of water, salt and protein.. Older Children
Science Crossowrd made up of instruments . study of life. hearing . measures weight. a conductor of which electromagnetic waves are sent out or received . Hard
Science Fair Terms a possible, testable explanation for a set of observations or answers to a scientific question. A question that leads to further testing. things you should have controlled but could not. what happened as an outcome of your experiment. This group is used as a standard of comparison in a control experiment. Older Children
Science Graphing and Measuring Tool used to measure the volume taken up by a liquid in liters. Tool used to measure the mass of an object. To build or design and experiment. To look at data to find trends, correlations, or the validity of data. The middle # in a set of data arranged in numerical order. Big
Science Metals Cu, Ag, Au; all three stable and malleable; once were used to make coins. The electrons on the outer level of an element . Fe, Co, Ni; all three used in the procces to create steel and other metal mixtures. Horizontal columns of elements. Vertical rows of elements. Big
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