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Science Crosswords

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Title Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints Difficulty
Fossils Use the clues to complete the puzzle. can be used to help identify the relative age of a rock layer. occurs when many species die out at the same time. all of the fossils in Earth's rock layers. a unit of time that contains the Age of Dinosaurs. a geologic chart that divides Earth's history into units. Big
Fossils and Geologic Time 'Age of the Reptile'. a copy of the shape of an organism. fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organism. scientist who studies fossils. when an organism no longer exists and will never again exist. Hard
Frack is Wack Fracking can ___ our fresh water. This ___ process harms our water. ___ are the top reason why this process exists. This is the stop state involved with Fracking. We depend on this to live. Hard
Fresh Water Gas form of water.. What people drill into aquifers to bring water to the surface.. Places where groundwater bubbles or flows out of cracks in the rocks to the surface.. Water that falls to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.. - The process of supplying water to areas of land to make them suitable for growing crops.. Hard
FRICTION the force resisting motion between the elements making up a solid material while it underg. developed between bodies at rest. defined as the net force compressing two parallel surfaces together; and its direction is . developed between solid bodies in contact. MACHINE ELEMENTS. Teenage
Fun Dung Poop eaters. Scientists who learn about past humans by studying their remains. Ice hunters. Plant eater. Dead animal turning to stone. Teenage
Funeral Ethics That branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct as it applies to business transactions. A declaration or public statement of professional standards of right and wrong conduct. The character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen. To hold certain information in trust and not disclose without proper authorization or authority. (Kohlberg) a stage of moral development in which the expectations of the social group (family, community, and nation) are supported and maintained. Teenage
Garifuna Culture Use this puzzle to help you review key points about the Garifuna Culture. Enjoy! is what happened to the ship as they were traveling. has to do with festivals, arts, music, art, food, tradition etc. this is the month on which the Garinagu celebrate their arrival. they have settled along the ______coast of Belize. the Carib Indians and African slaves managed to live like this . Hard
Gastritis The bacteria that causes gastritis. A disease that is caused by H. pylori. One of the main symptoms of gastritis. These kill H. pylori. A test for gastritis involving a hollow tube. Hard
General Science Divergent boundary where new ocean floor is formed. When the plates shift suddenly and release stone . Beneath the earth surface where rock under stress breaks . Slow movement of the earths plates produces volcanoe, mountain ridge, earthquakes . Break in the earth crust when earthquakes can happen. Big
GENETICS The different forms of a gene; can be dominant or recessive.. Another name for a characteristics.. A gene for which the trait always appears when present.. A way to calculate the probability of inheriting a specific trait using the genotype of the parents.. The physical characteristics (trait) of the genotype.. Hard
Genetics the scientific study of heredity. physical characteristics of organisms. an allele whose trait is masked in the presence of a dominant allele. an organism that has two different alleles for a trait. a chart that shows all the possible combinations of alleles that can result from a genetic cross. Hard
Genetics a scientist that studies heredity. a section of a chromosome that determinds a trait. a distinguishing characteristicsbased on your genes. production of new cells for the repair, growth, and development of cells. structures found in the nucleus that resemble rods and contain genetic material. Older Children
Genetics the study of biological inheritance patterns and variations in organisms. two different alleles . a grid system for predicting all possible genotypes resulting from a cross. collection of all of an organism's physical characteristics. all of an organism's genetic material . Hard
Genetics A segment that does code for proteins. Variations of characteristics that are inherited. A diploid cell from the fusion of two haploid gametes. A basic structural unit of nucleic acids. One of the four compounds that attaches to Thymine in DNA. Hard
Genetics and Breeding a glycoprotein membrane. characteristics of an organism. having dissimilar alleles. a cell consisting of two sets of chromosomes. a cell that fuses with another cell. Adult
Geoculture Second largest river in France. . 73- meter room, decorated with mirrors. . Known as the 'Cradle of Paris.'. Seine, Oise, and Marne.. A island . Hard
Geography A key that explains what the symbols of the map represent . One of the 7 large landmasses of the Earth. The general weather conditions of a region. Imaginary lines that separeates the globe into eastern and western hemispheres. Imaginary lines that help us to measure the distance of a place north and south of the equato ( run around the globe east to west). Big
Geography landmass above water on earth. lines that run parallel to the equator. area defined by everything in it . the location of one place in relation to other places. constructs maps that give much more detailed or accurate pictures of the world. Older Children
Geology A type of sedimentary rock made up of stones/particles pressed together by waves/water. Conglomerate is often found in large expanses or beds. . One of the three main rock types, formed from the cooling and hardening of magma.. A type of igneous rock and the most common rock type in the earth's crust and makes up most of the ocean floor.. One of the three main rock types, formed deep within the earth, where rock material changes after being subjected to intense heat and pressure (squeezing). . An opening in the earth's surface that allows hot magma, ash, and gases to escape from deep below the surface. . Teenage
Geology Crossword (Basic) Molten rock under the surface of the Earth is called. Traces or remains of ancient life found inside rocks are called ______.. Rock changing from one basic rock type to another is called the ‘rock ______.’. Sedimentary rocks are made of tiny pieces called_______.. Fossils are usually found in ______ rocks.. Older Children
Geology type of element defined by its atomic mass. can be oceanic or continental and floats atop the asthenosphere. theory that lithosphere is made of crustal plates that move and interact at their boundaries. state of the outer core. layered structure of calcium carbonate made by cyanobacteria. Very Difficult
GOLD looking for gold. those who look for gold. where gold is found. lump of gold. used to dig for gold. Easy
Gravity force on the apple has the same ___ as a force on the moon. ___ greater when you are on earths surface. Universal Gravitational law is also the___ ?. When a quantity varies as the inverse square of its distance from its source(abbrv). the reason the moon doesnt crash into earth is because of its large ___ speed. Hard
Gravity complete the crossword below something that causes a change in the motion of an object. the point through which the resultant of gravitational forces on a body passes and from which the resultant force of attraction of the body on other bodies emanates: coincident with the center of mass. a change in velocity. Sir Isaac . The force with which an object near the Earth or another celestial body is attracted toward the center of the body by gravity. Older Children
Heat Transfer An object that reduces transfer the transfer of heat. A blalnced Temperuture. Molecules are cooled. Heat by direct contact. Energy in a substance. Older Children
Higher Invertebrates A rasping tongue characteristic of gastropods. . An outer skeleton.. Tissues used for gas exchange in aquatic animals.. A two part tube structure used by Bivalves to bring fresh water into their shells.. A chemical substance produced by leeches.. Hard
Historical Figures of Radiology Father of nuclear physics. Inventor and engineer who developed the alternating-current power system. First Registered Technologist. Father of Interventional Radiology. Discovered of radioactivity (not Curie). Hard
History of Psychology Psychology that studies the effects people have on one another's behavior. Psychology that studies the individual differences in temperament and patterns of behavior. Psychology that studies changes of behavior over the course of one' lifespan. Proposed by Wundt and involves introspective analysis of individual elements of consciousness. 1st Psychology Lab in Leipzig, Germany. Hard
History of Rocketry Use the reading material to complete the puzzle Launched by Russia on Oct. 4, 1957.. Newspaper that mocked Goddard's lack of 'basic physics'.. American rocket that was a modified V2 rocket.. another name for gunpowder.. Developed the V2 rocket.. Teenage
History of Science In 1892, what did Lvanousky discover?. In 1969, who was the first person to walk on the moon? . In 1896, what did Cavendish discover?. In 1902, hormones were discovered by who? . In 1982, what engine was invented?. Big
How Do Organisms Transport Materials? group of cells that work together to perform a function. basic unit of structure. system organs that work together. the 'powerhouse' of plants and animal cells. every living thing. Older Children
Hydrology water on the surface. removing salts from the ocean. water cannot pass through. rain, snow, sleet, hail. dissolved salts in the ocean. Older Children
Inorganic Analysis an atom differing from another atom of the same element in the number of neutrons in its nucleus. the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. an analytical technique for identifying crystalline materials. the state in which an stom absorbs energy and an elctron moves from a lower to a hgiher energy level. a particle with no electrical charge. Hard
Inside the Earth the blocks of crust on each side of the fault . the boundary formed by the collision of two lithosphereic plates. a break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another. what is it called when you use satellites to see the plates move. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided. Big
Integumentary System undifferentiated cells that divide and give rise to the keratinocytes. consists of three to five layers of flat keratinocytes. consists mainly of a single layer of cuboidal to low comumnar stem scells. has more areolar and adipose tissue. connective tissue layer, ranges from 0.2mm to 0.4mm. Very Difficult
Intro Into Forensic Science Crime scene unit that matches bullets and casings to specific firearms. A lie detector test. Fingerprints that are not visible. Type of Forensic Science that deals with autopsies and determining cause of death. Maintains the largest crime lab in the world. Hard
Intro to Ecology a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat. a group of organisms that share a genetic heritage, are able to interbreed, and to create offspring that are also fertile. an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.. spherical concentric regions of matter that make up the earth and its atmosphere. Older Children
Introducing Planet Earth Vocabulary Please complete the crossword puzzle. the four periods that a year is typically divided into. the great divisions of land on Earth, including Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and Antarctica. the points farthest north and south on the Earth along its axis. Earth spins on its axis so that all living things have day and night; takes 24 hours. slanted, not straight. Older Children
Introduction to Cells the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms! . group of similar cells that perform a common function. 1.all organisms are made of one or more cells 2. the cell is the basic unit of all organisms 3. all cells come from existing cells. smallest structure and functional unit of all living organisms. a structure made up of a collection of tissue that carry out a special function. Older Children
INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY A circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles. The section of a map that explains symbols for the map features. The imaginary line that circles the globe from north to south at 0 degrees. Imaginary east-west circles parallel to the Equator. Any of the imaginary lines encircling the Earth's surface, relating to lines or surfaces that are separated everywhere from each other by the same distance. Teenage
Introduction to Matter Energy in the form of heat.. The energy from the breaking or forming of bonds.. The energy of motion or position of matter.. Form of matter.. Neutral sub-atomic particles.. Hard
Introduction to Research bias in hospital studies (2 words). type of validity where measures look like they should. maintains secondary health data for US (abbrev). design suited for rare outcomes (2 words). 1-sided hypothesis. Big
Introduction to Science What is the unit of mass?. Something you think will happen.. What do you measure liquids with?. The opposite of regular.. What is the unit of weight?. Big
Introduction To Science A Branch of Science to study living things. This is of the utmost importance in the science lab. There is one of these on each work bench for hot objects to sit on. Always do this to your hands after conducting a science experiment. This is an idea or explanation that can be tested. Very Difficult
Inventions and Discoveries Someone who invents things.. Used in wars . A tiny flash. A room or building used for scientific work.. It replaced letters . Older Children
Invertebrate primitive brain. largest class of cnidarians . the simplest of all animals . a protective capsule. sections in a tapeworm's body. Very Difficult
Invertebrate Project membrane that holds organs in place. one of many body sections of a tapeworm . shaped like a ball or globe EX: volvox. name of the cavity given to the organism. outermost layer; cells on the outside form the skin, brain. Very Difficult
Invertebrates skeleton outside of an organisms body. sea stars, sea cucumbers, sand dollars. animal without a backbone. parts of an organisms physical body features. earthworms, leeches. Older Children
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