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Science Crosswords

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Eukaryotic Cells Organelle consisting of saccules and vesicles that processes packages and distributes molecules about or from the cell. Membranous system of tubules, vecicles, and sacs in eukaryotic cells lacks attached ribosomes. RNA and protein in two subunits, site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. long slender extension used for locomotion by some bacteria protozoans and sperm. Membranous system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells, has attached ribosomes. Hard
Evidences of Evolution Complete the crossword puzzle by writing the correct answer with hints that give clues for each word. Organisms' DNA and of the proteins are analyze. Distribution of plants and animals in geographic space and through geologic time. Development of an organism from conception to birth. Body structures of different organisms that have the same basic arrangement andpattern. Body structures that do not serve any apparent function. Older Children
Evolution inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival. random change in allele frequencies that occurs in small populations. any change in the sequence of DNA. an inherited or acquired modification in organisms that makes them better suited to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. when an animal or a living thing is adapted to its environment by the way it's body is built. Adult
Evolution a primate of a family that includes humans and their fossil ancestors. a structure with the same function but built differently. an organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation. different allelic patterns in a population . a dramatic diversification of life that began about 570 million years ago. Very Difficult
Evolution Change in the DNA sequence. Reproduction that occurs at different times. Individuals move in or out of a population. A horse and donkey can produce a mule; but the mule can’t reproduce. Population of interbreeding organisms capable of producing fertile offspring. Teenage
Evolution most individuals die. closely related species will have fewer nucleutide differences. variations of a gene. phenotypes at both ends of therange and selected for over the intermediete forms. are traces or remains of living things from a previous geologic time. Hard
Evolution A scientist who studies fossils. The comparison of the structures of different organisms. A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to survie. The process of grouping things based on their similarities. The gradual change in a species over time. Hard
Evolution lives under water. like bananas and lives in trees . if an animal is going to survive it must .... we all have them inside our body. created the world in seven days. Older Children
Evolution remains of organisms that lived in the past. organism that no longer exists on earth. group of primates in which modern humans and their ancestors are classified. order of mammals. trait of an organism that helps it live in its environment. Hard
Evolution is a type of natural selection in which genetic diversity decreases as the population stabilizes on a particular trait value. condition that occurs when the frequency of alleles in a particular gene pool remain constant over time. inherited characteristic that improves an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. evolution on the smallest scale—a generation-to-generation change in the frequencies of alleles within a population. remnant of a structure that may have had an important function in a species' ancestors, but has no clear function in the modern species. Hard
Evolution the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.. the reduced genetic diversity that results when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors.. the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes. the total number of fossils that have been discovered, as well as to the information derived from them. the gradual development of something, usually from a simple to a more complex form.. Teenage
Evolution When pop'n are seperated by barriers such as rivers, mountains or bodies of water.. Formation of new species . Movement of indeviduals outside an area.. Equilibrium that has been interrupted by brief periods of rapid change.. Indeviduals select mates based on heritable traits such as size, strength or coloration.. Hard
Evolution The key that helps an animal survive!. A process that involves change from ancient to modern.. Any difference between individuals of the same species.. An explanation that has been well tested for a wide range of observations or experimental results.. If it is a _________________, it is a structure that have been inherited from a common ancestor.. Older Children
Evolution Even though we are all of the same species we are all different. Marsupials have evolved separate from Placentals. This group of mammals nourish their young in a pouch. Digging these up shows how species have changed over time. Inheritance of variations can be this. Big
Evolution form of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water, leading to the formation of two deprecate subspecies. form of natural selection in which individuals near the center of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end of the curve. formation of a new species. the number of times an allele occurs in a gene pool, compared to the total number of alleles in that pool for the same gene. movement of individuals out of an area. Hard
Evolution Formation of new species. type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together. a characteristic that improves an individual's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.. a historical sequence of life indicated by fossils found in layers of the Earth's crust. (genetics) any event that changes genetic structure. Big
Evolution and Fossils The remains or imprints of once-living organisms. Fossils that help fill the gaps in the fossil record. An inherited characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment. Organisms share structural traits that may have similar or different functions. Traits that organisms get or acquire; they are not born with them. Hard
Evolution and Genetics All phrases have spaces All living things are _________. The youngest living organisms are the______. All living things are made of _____. The way an organism looks. How do we know about life on earth before there were humans . Big
Evolution Crossword (Beginner) new species appear. determines the rate of radioactive decay in an isotope (calculate the half-life). compare the placement with that of the fossils in the other layers of work. serve no useful functions, but they were once useful to their ancestors. structure that have different mature forms, but develop from the same embryonic tissues. Hard
Evolution Crossword (Intermediate) states that newer forms of species appearing in the fossil record are actually the modified descendants of older species. species compete for resources in order to survive. the hypothesis that evolutionary development is marked by isolated episodes of rapid speciation between long periods of little or no change. where several unrelated species have evolved to share a similar characteristic. the diversification of a group of organisms into forms filling different ecological niches. Hard
Evolution of Life Terms and Concepts from our Evolution Unit Species develop together with features that each benefit the other as they evolve. The term Darin used to identify the pressure that changed organisms over time as their environments changed. Adapting wild organisms to human uses; typically involves genetic changes and human dependence. The comparison of similar features in developing organisms between conception and birth . When the alleles of a population change through random events rather than through natural selection pressure . Hard
Evolutionary Scientists Came up with the theory that humans with eventually need more room than Earth came provide.. Theorized that fossils were from a prevous era.. Thought of Evolution. The slow, gradual change in a population over time.. Thought that acquired changes were passed down to offspring. He thougt that species were fixed creations. Hard
Experimental Psychology A psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences. An assumption about behavior that is tested through scientific research. Discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals. Father of experimental pscyhology. Psychologists agree that the study of behaviour must be.... Big
Exploring Plants seeds need water, soil, the right temperature, and _____ to sprout. a powdery substance that bees carry from one flower to another. a simple sugar formed in green plants. the part of the plant that carries food to other parts. part of the plant that makes food. Older Children
Exploring the Deep the name of the first ship who set out to measure the depth of the ocean. the deepest manned dive discovered this place. means to be able to go underwater. vents that pump extremely hot water up through the ocean floor. unmanned robots that can explore the ocean while scientists contol it from a ship. Hard
Exploring the Oceans animal-like tiny living things that float in ocean water. plant-like timy living things that float in ocean water. Distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom. A flow of ocean water in a certain direction. Another word for saltiness. Big
Extinction A scientist who studies fossils.. The system for naming organisms in which each organism is given a unique, two-part scientific name.. The comparison of the structures of different organisms.. A behavior or physical characteristic that allows an organism to survive or reproduce in its enviroment.. The process of grouping things based on their similarities.. Hard
Eye of the Storm great damage,ruin. in or toward the interior. what is left behind after destruction. thought something would come true. to break into pieces . Older Children
Famous People antonym of negative. life story. noun from contribute. synonym of job. adjective from autobiography. Hard
Famous Scientists a telescope named after him. First Indian to teach science at Presidency College Kolkatta. Structure of Atom. Quantum Theory. Germ Theory of disease. Adult
Fire Prevention in Perioperative Setting Carbon __________ is a toxic combustion by product. (8). When using the fire extinguisher one needs to ______ from side to side. (5). If a surgical fire occurs on the patient, ___________ burning material from the patient. (6). Never use _______ to extinguish electrical fires. (5). Electrosurgical units, ___________ and fibreoptic cables are ignition sources. (6). Hard
Flammable Liquids There are _______ categories of flammable liquids.. _________ electcity can occur when two surfaces are in contact with each other.. The temperature at which a liquid releases enough vapor to become ignitable.. The category of flammable liquid that's most dangerous.. If the concentration of flammable vapor moves above the Upper Flammable Liquid, the mixture becomes too _______ to burn.. Hard
Force & Motion A Passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which falls behind him. This shows that the motion of train is_________.. Quantity which is measured by the area occupied under the velocity-time graph.. Property of a substance which Resist any change in its state of rest or motion.. Changes continuously in uniform circular motion.. A rocket works on the principle of conservation of _____________.. Teenage
Force and Motion the tendency of object to resist a change in motion.. will have the least effect on a piece of iron.. a force can cause an object to do the following except.. an object at rest will stay at rest unless it is acted upon by a.. the direction of an object motion.. Older Children
Force and Motion a change in position. a push or a pull . a force that occurs when objects rub against each other. an object with magnetic force. a path with short, sharp turns from side to side. Older Children
Force and Motion the law that states forces act in equal but opposite directions. change of position. The tendency of motionless bodies to remain motionless and moving bodies to remain in motion. the law that states force equals mass times acceleration. A push, pull or a twist. Hard
Force and Motion When something is still and has no movement.. Power pushing against something.. How fast an object moves.. A force that makes moving difficult between two two objects.. How something gets faster and faster.. Older Children
Force, Motion, and Newton's Laws a rate of decrease in velocity. a course along which someone or something moves. the action or process of moving or being moved. the tendency of an object to remain in its state of rest or motion. a lift, push, or pull. Teenage
Forces Newton's ___ law of motion that describes equal and opposite reactions. what forces are when the net force is zero. Newton's ___ law of motion that states: acceleration= net force divided by mass. a push or a pull. force exerted by an object that is perpendicular to its surface. Big
Forces a push or pull to move stop or change direction. a force that opposes motion. a wheel with a rod or axle in the center. the combination of all the forces acting on an objects. forces that act on an object and dont cancel out each other unbalanced forces cause a change in motion. Big
Forces in Fluids Instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. Law of Physics. Mass divided by Volume. Common unit of Volume. Easily flow. Hard
Forensic Fun white blood cells, lives and works in the immune system. delivers nuetrience throughout the body. amber-colored, protein-rich liquid that separates from blood. capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action,. the detection, classification and study of bodily fluids. Hard
Forensic Science Solve the puzzle. white blood cells . a specialized bodily fluid . the liquid that separates the blood when a clot is formed . a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.. the scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood serum. Hard
Forensic Science Fingerprinting __________ fuming was developed in 1982 by Japanese Police. ______ _______ is a protein dye stain that can develop faint bloody on porous surfaces. _____ Gus was a gangster who altered his fingerprint. Newer replacement chemical for ninhydrin. ________ Fingerprints are actual indentations left in soft materials. Hard
Forensic Scientist A workplace hazard that can happen while in the lab.. Forensic scientists work about forty hours a ____, but may have to work overtime on some cases.. Forensic science is the application of science to the ___.. Hair, clothing fibres, fingerprints and _____ stains are all types of evidence. . Forensic scientists may have to do _______ different cases at once.. Older Children
Forensic Toxicology Solve the crossword puzzle as below Presence of this metabolite is the evidence of cocaine poisoning. This toxin can be destroyed by embalming process. The sampling of this specimen is useful for analysis of toxins which bind to hemoglobin. Possible symptom manifested by dioxin poisoning. This organ should be collected prior to liver to prevent specimen contamination. Hard
Forensics body of laws passed by legislative bodies. the study of mechanical objects. the study of bugs. the study of alcohol and poison in the body. laws based on previous rulings. Hard
Forensics Fingerprint Solve 3D print made in soft material. outer layer of pollen grain. center of loop of whorl. visible print due to residue. triangular pattern of ridges. Hard
Fossils Use the clues to fill in the crossword puzzle Person who studies fossils. Must be more than 10,000 years old. Dead. Rocks that formed when clay, mud, or sand hardened. One of the best preservers of fossils. Older Children
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